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Notes (Student)


There are potentially 11 different types of student notes displayed on this screen:

  • Student Standard Notes.

  • Student Confidential Notes.

  • Medical Standard Notes.

  • Medical Confidential Notes.

  • Boarder Standard Notes.

  • Boarder Confidential Notes.

  • Parent-Teacher Interviews:

    • Parent Notes.

    • Teacher Notes.

    • Appointment Notes.

  • Student Appointment Log Notes

This section of the Staff Kiosk Student Profile:

  • Displays a list of the last 10 notes entered for this student.

  • Allows you to open note attachments. (Click the 'Document' icon).

  • Allows you to edit student Standard and Confidential notes (if permitted). (Click the 'Pencil' icon)

  • Allows you to delete student Standard and Confidential notes (if permitted). (Click the 'Rubbish Bin' icon)

  • Allows you to add new student Standard and Confidential notes against this student (if permitted).

  • Displays a list of all notes for this student across all years (use the 'See All' button).

  • Allows you to search for a subset of notes across all years for this student (use the 'See All' button).

  • Allows you to print a report based on your selections (use the 'See All' button).

  • Access the Student Notes Lists/Emails program (use the 'See All' button, then the 'Listing' button).

To sort by a column from the 'See All' button, click on the column heading. To sort by columns hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.

Appointment Log note ‘Attachments’, ‘Edit' and ‘Delete’ functions are accessed via Staff Kiosk > Calendar > Student Appointment Log.

Click on the 'hamburger menu' to send correspondence to this student using a number of different methods, e.g. By email, SMS, notification and more.

Click here for more information.

Click on this hamburger menu to:

The eDiary will show you if there is any other event occurring for this student, such as a music lesson.

  • View the student's current whereabouts, e.g. class, sickbay or absent.

  • Generate an email to the student or parent.  Click here for more information about Generating Emails

  • Send an SMS to the student or parent.

  • Display a Notification in:

    • Student Café or Parent Lounge.

    • Your school's mobile app via a Push Notification (parents only).

To use Push Notifications, the school must hold a 'Mobile App' API licence and deploy a mobile app through a TASS Integration Partner.

Refer to How To/Checklists > General > TASS API Setup Checklist.

All communication (email, notification and SMS) generated from Staff Kiosk is recorded in a Communication Log.

All communications (emails, notifications and SMS) generated from Staff Kiosk are recorded in a Communication Log.

The Communication Log allows you to track and monitor the details of communications including who it has been sent to and whether the communication has been viewed by the recipients.

The Communication Log for a student can be viewed using the Staff Kiosk program Student Profile > Communication Log.

Creating a New Note

To create a new note, click the 'New Standard' or 'New Confidential' button.

The type of note that you can create will depend on the security permissions that your school has given you.

Note Category

The options available in the drop-down list have been set up by your school. 

It is important to select a meaningful category for the note that you are entering as various reports allow notes to be filtered by category.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Note Categories are setup in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Note Cat.' tab.

The Note Categories that are visible to teachers are setup in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.


Two options are available to attach a file to this PC Entry:

  • Drag-and-drop a file from your computer.

  • Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

An example of this could be a scanned copy of a written note sent in by a parent.

To create a new Appointment Log Note go to Staff Kiosk > Calendar > Student Appointment Log.  

User Access

The 'Note Types' and 'Note Categories' you have access to, and whether you can 'Add', 'Edit' or 'Delete' notes is dependent on your security permissions.

Appointment Log note ‘Attachments’, ‘Edit' and ‘Delete’ functions are accessed via Staff Kiosk > Calendar > Student Appointment Log Users must have the appropriate permission points enabled for the relevant appointment types via TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.    Each ‘Appointment Type’ has its own permission point.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Staff Kiosk user permissions are set up in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

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