Extra Curricular (Student)
This section of the Staff Kiosk Student Profile:
Displays a list of this student's participation in Extra Curricular activities for the current year.
Provides a drill-down to view additional Extra Curricular details. (Click the 'magnifying glass' icon)
Displays a list of Extra Curricular activities across all years for this student (use the 'See All' button).
Allows you to search for a subset of Extra Curricular activities across all years for this student (use the 'See All' button).
Allows you to print a report based on your selections (use the 'See All' button).
To sort by a column from the 'See All' button, click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.
Student Extra Curricular information has been entered using:
Staff Kiosk Staff > Extra Curricular Groups.
TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Activities.