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General Details


This section of the Staff Kiosk Student Profile displays:

  • General Details:

    • The student's general details, e.g. Date of Birth, Gender etc.

    • The photo of the student.

  • School Details:

    • The student's school details, e.g. Year Group, House etc.

  • Notifications: 

    • Any notifications for this student.

Click here for more information.

Various icons are displayed throughout Staff Kiosk providing notifications, alerts and additional information about specific students.

Hover over these icons for more details and links to further information.

This icon indicates that there are 'Medical Alerts' recorded against this student's record.

This icon indicates that there are 'Special Conditions' recorded against this student's record.

This icon indicates that this student is a Boarder.

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall.

This icon indicates that this student has Curricular Activities that are due today.

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Student Profile.

This icon indicates that this student has a 'sick-bay' record for the current day.

This icon indicates that a 'Pastoral Care Entry' has been entered against this student for the current day.

This icon indicates that a 'Standard Note' has been entered against this student for the current day.

This icon indicates that a 'Confidential Note' has been entered against this student for the current day.


This icon indicates that the Student has a Learning Support notification that requires attention.

This icon indicates that this student was absent from the previous lesson.

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall.

This icon indicates that the student has a teacher assigned a calendar event that clashes with this lesson.

This icon will be displayed where a student has an existing attendance record for the date of the custom rollcall.

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Custom Rolls.


This icon will be displayed where a student has been added to a custom roll at the time of custom roll marking.  

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Custom Rolls.


This icon will be displayed where a student has been added to another custom roll on the same date of the custom rollcall. 

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Custom Rolls.


This green ‘check-circle' icon indicates that a student has 'Checked In’ via the Student Check In / Out portal. 

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall when the ‘Student Check In / Out' portal is enabled.


This grey ‘check-circle' icon indicates that a student has 'Checked Out’ via the Student Check In / Out portal. 

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall when the ‘Student Check In / Out' portal is enabled.


This red ‘check-circle' icon indicates that a student has not 'Checked In’ via the Student Check In / Out portal. 

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall when the ‘Student Check In / Out' portal is enabled.

  • Other School Details:

    • This section is used to show additional details about the student. e.g. Medical Condition, Bus Route etc.

  • MCEECDYA Details:

    • The student's MCEECDYA details, e.g. Indigenous Status, Country of Birth, etc.

  • Boarder Details:

    • The student's Boarder Details, e.g. General, Other and Registered Leave Types.

  • Sibling Details:

    • The student's sibling details, e.g. Name, Status, Year, House, Form, DOB, DOE, DOL).

Specific permissions are required to view Sibling Details. Refer to TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

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