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The ‘Timetable’ section of the Staff Kiosk Student Profile:

  • Displays the current timetable for this student, day by day. (Click the 'left arrow' button to view the previous day, or 'right arrow' button to view the next day).

  • Displays the current timetable for this student, by week ( 'Full Timetable' button).

  • Allows you to print the current timetable for this student ('Full Timetable' button).

  • Provides a drill-down to the 'Class Homepage' for this student's subject classes where you are the Class Teacher or a Substitute Teacher. (Click the 'hamburger menu' to access).
    Click here for more information.

  • Provides a drill-down to the student's view of his/her 'Class Homepage' where you are the Class Teacher or a Substitute Teacher. (Click the 'hamburger menu' to access).

  • Provides a drill-down to a photo gallery of students in this student's subject classes.  (Click the 'gallery' icon for gallery view or the 'list' icon for list view if required).

  • Provides a drill-down to view/add/edit substitution 'Class Tasks' and 'Feedback' information.
    Click here for more information on substitutions.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

If a student has been timetabled to have two subjects during the one period, the program will display the subject with the lowest 'Timetable Override Priority' value in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab. ('Timetable Override Priority' is also available for bulk updating across multiple subject records, in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Subject Grid).

This program will also display the subject based on an overriding Student/Subject date range. If a student has a special subject that does not run for the entire timetable calendar, a date range can be entered using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'Subjects' tab. (The subject date range is also available for bulk updating across multiple records using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Classes > Student Subject Grid Entry. You will need to select the applicable timetable before building the student subject grid.)

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