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Custom Rolls


'Custom Rolls' is the default name used by TASS, however, each school has the ability to rename it to one of their own choosing in Custom Roll Parameters (Setup). All TASS Knowledge Base documentation refers to this program as 'Custom Rolls'.

This program allows you to:

  • Create and mark a roll for a custom group of students.

  • Create recurring rolls for a custom group of students.

  • Search for existing Custom Rolls using multiple filters (at the top of the screen).

  • Print a list of Custom Rolls including attendance summaries.

  • Print a list of students within a Custom Roll, including special conditions and alerts.

  • Communicate (notification, email or SMS) to parents and students within a Custom Roll.

  • Allocate administrator rights to other staff for a Custom Roll.

  • Cancel an existing Custom Roll.

Custom Rolls do not affect Attendance data, and absence records are not created if students are marked absent from the Custom Roll.

Custom Roll List Screen

When you access the program, this screen will display a list of the Custom Rolls you have access to for the current Term/Semester. 
If you are a Non-Teacher the screen will display a list of the Custom Rolls for the current week.

To sort by a column click on the column heading.  To sort by multiple columns hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.


A 'link' icon will appear next to rolls that have been automatically generated and are linked to an Extra Curricular Session or Fixture. Refer to Marking Attendance for an Extra Curricular Group for more information.

Screen View Options

Use the options at the top of the screen to select which Custom Rolls to view.

Date Range

Click here for more information.

This tool makes it easy to specify a date range based on:

  • Today 
  • Tomorrow 
  • This Week (Monday to Sunday).
  • This Fortnight (Monday to Sunday).
  • This Semester.
  • This Year (Based on the current calendar year) 

Alternatively, you can clear the dates and pick a new 'From' and 'To' range. 

  • Show All Rolls

Displays a list of every Custom Roll that has been created within the selected date range, e.g. rolls created by other users.

  • Show Cancelled

Displays Custom Rolls that have been cancelled within the selected date range.

Source/Roll Description Search

Enter a custom roll title, or keywords, to return a list of Custom Rolls containing this text within it's description within the selected date range.

Type Picklist

  • All Rolls

  • Extra Curricular

  • Groups

  • Saved Reports

  • Subject Classes

  • Events and Payments


Print a listing of the current Custom Rolls screen to PDF.


Refer to Adding a New Custom Roll

Action Icons






Open a non-editable version of the Custom Roll.



Open an editable version of the Custom Roll.



Mark the Custom Roll. Refer to Marking a Custom Roll.



Remove the Custom Roll from view. It will still be viewable when the 'Show Cancelled' option is selected.

Custom Roll Parameters

Review the Custom Roll Parameters (Setup).

User Permissions

Review and assign the Custom Roll permissions as appropriate in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Teacher Kiosk (TIA).



Custom Rolls     

This permission item will give teachers access to the following menu Rollcall > Custom Rolls.

--Cancel Custom Rolls

Allow access to the ‘Cancel’ icon within the Rollcall > Custom Rolls program.

--Create Custom Rolls

Allow access to the following:

  • The ‘+New’ button within the Rollcall > Custom Rolls program.

  • The ‘Clone’ icon with the Rollcall > Custom Rolls program.

  • The '+Create Custom Rolls' link in the Listings > My Saved Lists program.

--Edit Custom Rolls

Allow access to the ‘Edit’ icon within the Rollcall > Custom Rolls program.

--View All Custom Rolls

Allow to view Custom Rolls created by other teachers.

Custom Roll Parameters (Setup)

Allow access to the following menu Rollcall > Custom Rolls Parameters (Setup)

To mark and modify a Custom Roll, Teachers and Non-Teachers must be an ‘Owner’ or be assigned ‘Admin Rights'. ‘View’ or ‘Edit’ the Custom Roll to check which staff have access.

Related Resources

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