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MER - Medical Setup (SU)


'Medical Setup' is where system defaults and templates for Medical records are entered. These defaults are required to be set up before records can be entered in other screens.

'Medical Setup' displays the following tabs in a multiple tabs layout; 'Medical', 'User Defined', 'Conditions', 'Immunisations', 'Supplementary', 'Treatments', 'Note Categories', 'Practitioner Types', 'Swimming Levels'

Be sure you are fully conversant with these setups prior to saving when first setting up your school data.

Be aware that ALL records attached to these fields will be affected if changes are made to an existing setup. It is not wise to make a change to these parameters unless you are 100% sure of the outcome.

The program will operate in a viewing only mode until you select the 'Edit' button.

Medical Setup Tabs

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