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Medical Details


The ‘Medical Details’ section of the Staff Kiosk Student Profile displays the following components of a student's medical record.

Emergency Contacts

  • Displays a list of Emergency Contacts for this student.

Click here for further information.

The parent contact information displayed is determined by the 'Communication Rules' set up on the student records.

'Communication Rules' provide a 'student-centric' way of defining precisely how different areas of your school communicate with parents. They are especially useful for communication with split families and for families with students who have multiple parenting arrangements.

Administrator Note

Staff Kiosk uses the following rules that are set up on each student record in TASS.web:

Staff View

The Parent/Caregiver addresses that teachers will see when using Staff Kiosk.

Staff Correspondence

The Parent/Caregiver addresses that will be used when teachers generate correspondence to parents using Staff Kiosk.

Emergency Contact

The Parents/Caregivers who will be displayed as Emergency Contacts when accessing student medical information using Staff Kiosk.

A Parent/Caregiver must have the 'Staff View' rule to be displayed as an Emergency Contact.

A warning will be displayed if there are no 'Communication Rules' set up on the student record in TASS.web. You should advise your TASS System Administrator.

  • Allows you to send an SMS to an Emergency Contact for this student.

  • Allows you to send an email to an Emergency Contact for this student.

Click here for further information.
  • Allows you to view the address details for an Emergency Contact for this student by clicking on the 'Contact' name.

General Details

  • Displays the General Medical Details for this student.

Medical Conditions

  • Displays a list of Medical Conditions for this student.

  • Provides a drill-down to open attachment. (Click the ‘document’ icon)

  • Provides a drill-down to view full details including:

    • General Details.

    • Other Details.

    • Attachments.

    • Asthma Management Plan.

    • Medication requirements.

    • Notes.

  • Displays and ‘info’ icon when the student has an Asthma Management Plan.

The Medication requirements section does not currently include information from the Medication Dispensing features introduced in v01.059.09.200.


  • Displays the Immunisation Details for this student.

Medical Practitioners

  • Displays the Medical Practitioners for this student.

Sickbay Visit

  • Displays a list of the last 5 sickbay visits for this student.

  • Displays a list of all sickbay visits for this student (use the 'See All' button).

  • Allows you to search for a subset of sickbay visits across all years for this student (use the 'See All' button).

  • Allows you to print a report of sickbay visits based on your selections (use the 'See All' button).

Supplementary Information

  • Displays the Supplementary Information for this student.

Medical Notes

  • Displays a list of the last 10 notes entered for this student.

    • Open medical note attachments. (Click the ‘document’ icon)

    • Displays a list of all medical notes for this student (use the 'See All' button).

    • Allows you to search for a subset of medical notes across all years for this student (use the 'See All' button).

    • Allows you to print a report of medical notes based on your selections (use the 'See All' button).

    • Access the Student Notes Lists/Emails program (use the 'See All' button, then the 'Listing' button).

There are potentially 3 different types of medical notes available:

  1. Medical Standard.

  2. Medical Confidential.

  3. Medical Condition.

The types of notes you have access to, are dependent on your security permissions.

Click on the hyperlinks at the top of the 'Medical Details' section to jump to a specific part of this student's medical record.

A 'red warning' icon will display when 'There are Unprocessed Medical Updates from Parent Lounge for this student'. It means that a parent has submitted updates to this student's medical record through Parent Lounge and these updates have not yet been checked and accepted by the school. Therefore the student medical information that is being displayed in this program may not be up to date. 

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Updates are processed using TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Updates from Parent Lounge.

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