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Parent / Address Details


This section of the Staff Kiosk Student Profile displays the following Parents/Caregivers and Emergency Contact information:

  • Parent Code

  • Contact list (including Emergency Contacts and Call Order)

  • Full Name

  • Relationship Tag

  • Occupation

  • Address Details

  • Phone Numbers

  • Email Addresses

The options available from this screen include:

  • Send an email to the Parents/Caregivers of this student by clicking the 'envelope' icon.  

For more information on how to send emails, refer to ‘How to Generate Emails’.

  • Send an alert notification to the parents of this student, by clicking the '+Alert' button.

  • Send an SMS to the parents of this student by clicking the 'mobile phone' icon.

For more information on how to send notifications or SMS, refer to 'Adding a New Student Notification or SMS'.

The contact information displayed is determined by the 'Communication Rules' set up on the student records, in addition to Portal Security Permissions.

Refer to the 'Addresses and Communication Rules' tab article for detailed Communication Rules information.

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