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Calendar Feeds (Setup)


Calendar feeds are available to:

  • Teachers through Staff Kiosk program Calendar > My Calendar.

  • Students through Student Café program eDiary > Calendars.

  • Parents through Parent Lounge program Calendar > eDiary.

This program allows you to:

  • Change the description of the feeds in Student Café and Staff Kiosk.

  • Indicate the colour in which each feed record will be displayed.

  • Indicate whether a feed will be mandatorily displayed to students in Student Café.

Maintain Calendar Feeds

Feed Types


These feeds, in the students' and teachers' calendars, come from the TASS.web Timetable module.

LMS / Assessment Activities

These feeds, in the students' and teachers' calendars, come from Activities created and assigned in Staff Kiosk Assessment or webBook Progressive Assessment.

The Activity dates that affect these feeds are:

  • Preview.

  • Draft (optional).

  • Due.

Extensions granted to students will determine the dates that Activities display in their eDiaries. 

Sports Fixtures

These feeds, in the students' calendars, come from sports fixtures that have been entered through Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups > Scheduling > Extra Curricular Sessions.

PT Interviews

These feeds, in the students' and teachers' calendars, come from Parent-Teacher Interviews bookings that have been made by parents in Parent Lounge, by teachers in Staff Kiosk or through TASS.web programs Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews.

Boarders Leave

These feeds, in the students' calendars, come from boarders leave records that have been entered through TASS.web program Student Admin > Boarders > Leave Processing > Boarders Leave.

This feed will only display if the 'Boarder school' option is ticked in TASS.web program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup.

Pastoral Care

These feeds, in the students' calendars, come from Pastoral Care Entries that have been entered using Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > PC Entries.

School Calendar

These feeds, in the students' and teachers' calendars, come from events that have been entered through Staff Kiosk program Calendar > School Calendar (Maintain) or Calendar > School Calendar (Upload).

This is conditional on the event being created with the appropriate Staff Kiosk, and/or Student Café access point.

Personal Calendar

Both Staff Kiosk program Calendar > My Calendar and Student Café program eDiary > Calendars have a facility for teachers and students (respectively) to create their own personal calendar events.

If a teacher creates a personal calendar event that involves students, it will become available to students through their 'School Calendar' feed.

A Personal Calendar event, that a student creates in Student Café, is not visible to their parents in Parent Lounge.

Events & Payments

These feeds, in the students' and teachers' calendars, come from events and payments that have been entered through Staff Kiosk program Events > Adding an Event and Payment.

Extra Curricular

These feeds, in the students' calendars, come from Extra Curricular Sessions.

The Extra Curricular module needs to be setup and students correctly populated into events for the current year. 


These feeds, in the students' calendars, come from Student Appointment records.

Other Fields

Fields that require further explanation

Feed Description

This allows you to change the description of a feed to reflect your school's terminology, e.g. 'LMS/Assessment Activities' might be 'Curriculum Activities'.

Background Colour

Pick the background colour for each feed.

Mandatory in SC

Mark a feed as Yes to force a feed to always open when a student enters Student Café program eDiary > Calendars.

As an example, you might always want students to have their timetable open when they enter their calendar.

Sync Date Range

Select the date range for which events will be shared with remote calendars. This applies to all users; it is not possible for individual users to select their own date range.

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