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Pastoral Care (Student)


This section of the Staff Kiosk Student Profile:

  • Displays a list of Pastoral Care Entries for the Current Year, Current Semester or a predetermined number of days.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The Pastoral Care records displayed are determined by the 'Time Period to show Pastoral Care Entries on Student Profile page' field in Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > Parameters (Setup).

  • Displays the student's allocated starting points and his/her accumulated points (if your school is running a points-based Pastoral Care system).

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Starting Points and Accumulated Points work in conjunction with the parameter in the program Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care > Parameters (Setup) 'Time Period to show Pastoral Care Entries on Student Profile page'. Together they determine the default starting date from which to display PC Entries and the Starting Points that each student will receive at that date.

  • Allows you to add/edit or cancel a PC Entry.  Click here for further information.

  • Displays a list of all PC Entries across all years for this student (use the 'See All' button)

  • Allows you to set the 'Completed' flag for existing PC Entries (use the 'See All' button, then tick the Entries that you need to flag as completed)

  • Allows you to print a report with PC Entries for this student based on your selections (use the 'See All' button)

The functionality available after using the 'See All' button is in the same as program Pastoral Care > PC Entries but specific to this student only.

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