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How to Terminate an Employee(s)



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Enter the termination date and termination reason on the employee(s') record using program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees on the 'General' tab.

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During the pay run in which the termination date falls, load the timesheet manually for this employee(s) using program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Timesheets. You should manually adjust the hours to reflect the amount that the employee(s) actually worked in this pay run prior to termination.

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Refer to the instructions 'Pay unused annual leave for a terminating employee' (Timesheet Entry Details Screen — Example 9) and 'Pay unused long service leave for a terminating employee(Timesheet Entry Details Screen — Example 10).

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When program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Pay Run Reset is run (as part of the pay run processing), it will apply the 'T' (Terminated) TS flag to the terminated employee(s) (those with a terminated date <= the period end date of the pay run).

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