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PR - General Tab (SU)


The ‘General’ tab in Payroll Setup is used to set up and maintain this payroll's name and address information. The payroll details displayed here are determined by the company that you are logged into (use the 'Change Company' icon on the main toolbar to log into a different company).

Fields that require further explanation


Address 1/Address 2

Town Suburb/State Postcode/Country

Use these fields to identify this payroll company, e.g. The Alpha Demonstration School.

Contact Name

Use this field to store the name of the person who is the main contact for this payroll at your school.


Use this field to store the position of the person entered in the field directly above, e.g. Pay Officer, Business Manager.

Contact Phone

Use this field to store the phone number of the person who is the main contact for this payroll at your school.

Contact Fax

Use this field to store the fax number of the person who is the main contact for this payroll at your school.

Contact Email

Use this field to store the email address of the person who is the main contact for this payroll at your school.


Use this field to store the web address of any website relating to payroll information at your school.

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