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GL - Account Responsibility Grid

GL Account Responsibility Grid Overview

This program is used to allow the rapid entry of 'responsibility levels' for teachers and employees against general ledger accounts.

Responsibilities are used to determine the teachers and employees that can access General Ledger accounts for the following Staff Kiosk functions:

  • Accessing Budget Information.
  • Raising Purchase Order Requisitions.
  • Approving Purchase Order Requisitions.
  • Creating Events & Payments.

Up to 7 levels of responsibility are available:

Level 1

The teacher/employee can:

  • View budget information for this account.
  • Create an Event or Payment using this account.

Level 2

The teacher/employee can raise a purchase order requisition using this account.

Level 3 - 7

The teacher/employee can approve a purchase order requisition using this account.

Each level (3-7) is allocated a monetary limit (GST exclusive) that the teacher/employees can approve up to.

For example:

  • Level 3 can approve requisitions up to $500.
  • Level 4 can approve requisitions up to $2,000.
  • Level 5 can approve requisitions up to $5,000.
  • Level 6 can approve requisitions up to no limit.

'Approval Limits' are maintained in program Finance > Purchasing > Setup Information > Purchasing Setup.

Responsibility levels are hierarchical; therefore the higher access levels inherit the functions of the lower levels.

By default, Staff Kiosk program Teacher > Requisitions will not allow the entry of a requisition against a GL account with a zero budget.

This default can be changed in program Finance > Purchasing > Setup Information > Purchasing Setup on the 'Parameters' tab using the 'Allow requisitions against GL accounts with zero budgets' field.

Step 1

Select whether you will be setting up responsibilities for 'Teacher Records' or 'Employee Records'. You can filter the teachers who will be included in your selection by 'Department'.

If you select 'Teacher Records' only current teachers will be displayed.


The ability to enter responsibilities against non-teaching staff is dependent on your school running the TASS Payroll or Employee/HR module.

To add or edit responsibility codes for the teachers/employees, tick their corresponding box(s) in the 'Include' column. 

Click the 'All' icon to include all teachers/employees in the list.

Click the 'Next' button.

Step 2

Use the 'Account Search Criteria' screen to pick the GL accounts that you want to include in your grid. 

After entering your search criteria click the 'GO' button to render the grid.

Step 3

The system will display an editable grid with the GL accounts that you selected on the previous screen on the left-hand side and the teacher/employee codes across the top.

You will need to work your data with 'sets' of teachers/employee records of about 20 or less to make the screen display workable.

Enter the teacher/employees responsibility in each cell. 

The allowable levels are:

Level 1

The teacher/employee can:

  • View budget information for this account.
  • Create an Event or Payment using this account.

Level 2

The teacher/employee can raise a purchase order requisition using this account.

Level 3 - 7

The teacher/employee can approve a purchase order requisition using this account.

Each level (3-7) is allocated a monetary limit (GST exclusive) that the teacher/employees can approve up to.

For example:

  • Level 3 can approve requisitions up to $500.
  • Level 4 can approve requisitions up to $2,000.
  • Level 5 can approve requisitions up to $5,000.
  • Level 6 can approve requisitions up to no limit.

'Approval Limits' are maintained in program Finance > Purchasing > Setup Information > Purchasing Setup.

Click into the cell and either use the drop-down list or key in the appropriate number.

Use the 'Fill Down' icon to replicate the same data down the column.

If you make a mess, use the 'Restore' button to undo your changes. Unsaved data will be lost.

  • The data will be restored back to the last 'Save'.
  • If you have not yet saved, the data will be restored back to the way it was when you loaded the Grid.

To sort by a column, click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns use shift-click in the second and subsequent columns that you want to sort by.

Select 'Save' to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

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