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Extra Curricular Groups (SK EC)


This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Search for existing EC Activity Groups using multiple filters (at the top of the screen).

  • Create a new EC Activity Group.

  • Set up and coordinate sign-up for EC Activities through Parent Lounge and/or Student Cafe.

  • Set up rounds of matches/competitions for each EC Activity Group.

  • Allocate Activity Coordinators to each EC Activity Group.

  • Clone an EC Activity Group from one period to the next (i.e. From Semester 1 to Semester 2 or from one year to the next).

  • Print a list of Extra Curricular Groups.

Available Actions


Description of Action


View the Extra Curricular Group details.

Bulk Assign

Bulk assign/invite students to the Extra Curricular.


Manage individual students invited to the Extra Curricular. 


Manage Staff assigned to the Extra Curricular.


Create and manage Team / Level Sessions, Student Sessions and fixtures.


Enter the grid entry program for assigning Teams / Levels.


Edit an Extra Curricular Group.

Create Custom Roll

Create a Custom Roll for the Activity, Session, or Fixture that includes all students approved to attend the Extra Curricular Actvity. 


Delete an Extra Curricular Group.

A similar program is available in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups.  The ability Create Custom Rolls is only available in Staff Kiosk

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