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PR - Reinstate Terminated Employee

Reinstate Terminated Employee Overview

A 'Terminated' employee is defined as one who has a 'Termination Date' and has the TS flag 'T' (Terminated) but has not yet been archived.


We recommend that the reinstating of terminated employees in a single tax year is restricted to casual employees only. The reason for this is that if you have a full-time employee who was paid unused annual leave or ETP on termination and then came back, the reporting of their termination payment to the ATO is likely to be compromised.

An 'Archived' employee is defined as a 'Terminated' employee whose records have been transferred to the archive tables as a result of running the Year End Reset program.


We recommend that the reinstating of archived employees is restricted to casual employees only. A better policy for part-time and full-time employees is to always create a new employee record as this maintains a history of start and termination dates for each engagement.

Reinstating an archived employee will reinstate their entire record including payment and accrual history and accrual balances that were not cleared out on their termination.

General Tab

Select whether you intend to reinstate a 'Terminated' or 'Archived' employee by checking the appropriate radio button. 

Click 'GO'.

An 'Employee List' screen will display all of the employees that can be reinstated. 

Click on the 'Reinstate' link in the 'Action' column for the required employee.

Click on the 'OK' button when the message 'Are you sure you want to Reinstate this Employee to be a current employee?' is displayed.

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