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Learning Support (Setup)


This program is used to configure the sections used to record additional information for students with Support Plans in program Staff Kiosk program Staff > Learning Support.

Also view the Learning Support Overview video.

UD Fields

User-defined fields provide flexibility for your school to create custom fields for Learning Support information.

In this section of the screen, there are 50 possible fields that can be set up.

  • 10 x Single character flag fields (0-9, A-Z) which are often used as Yes/No fields.

  • 10 x Table referenced fields (Picklist).

  • 10 x Freeform 500-character text fields.

  • 10 x Date fields.

  • 10 x Attachment fields.

Only the fields that have been initiated in this program will display in the Support Plan Details for each student.

Examples may be:

  • A 'Table Referenced' field to record a student's preferred playing position.

  • A 'Flag' field that identifies a captain or vice-captain.

  • An 'Attachment' field to upload a Medical Practitioners Report.

  • A 'Date' field to indicate a Review Due Date.

Click on the 'Arrow' icon next to fields in the 'Table Referenced Fields' column to display and maintain the picklist data for each field.

If picklist data for 'Table Referenced Fields' has been used, it cannot be deleted. The 'Delete' link will not be available.

Creating New UD Fields

Use the 'Edit' button to maintain UD fields displayed on the student Support Plan.

Only the fields in which you enter a description will display.

Fields that require detailed explanation


Up to 30 characters.


This field is only available on the following field types:

  • Flag. Tick the checkbox to create an alert for this field.

  • Text. Enter the text that is to create an alert for this field.

  • Date. Tick the checkbox to create an alert for this field.

Date 'Trigger/Ref' fields will display warnings when the current day is equal to or after the date that you enter.

When a student Support Plan is accessed, the field that has been set up with a 'Trigger/Ref' is indicated with a 'red alert' icon. Users can hover over this icon for information on the data condition that will initiate the 'Trigger/Ref'.


You can determine the order in which fields display within the Support Plan for each student. This applies across all fields.

For example, you can have two flag fields followed by an attachment field followed by a text field etc.

Select the '+Submit Change' button to record your entry to the database.

Email Categories

This section is used to nominate the Communication Log Email Categories used for Learning Support correspondence.

Whenever you choose one of the Email Categories listed in this setup while sending Communications, a copy of the sent correspondence will be automatically included in the Student's 'Communications' list in Staff Kiosk program Learning Support > Class Plan Details and the Support Plan Details.

Click here for more information on the Communication Log.

The following student based communications are recorded in a Communication Log:

  • SMS generated in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk.

  • SMTP Emails generated in Staff Kiosk and the Enrolments module in TASS.web.

  • Notifications generated in Staff Kiosk.

  • Notes entered in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk (where the Note Category has been flagged for display in the Communication Log).

Internal teacher/non-teacher communications generated in Staff Kiosk are also recorded in a Communication Log.

The categories for Student Notes visible in the Communication Log are determined by user permissions.

The Communication Log allows you to track and monitor the details of communications including who it has been sent to and whether the communication has been viewed by the recipients.

The Communication Log for a student can be viewed using Staff Kiosk Student Profile > Communication Log.

The Communication Log for an enrolled student can be viewed using TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the ‘Communication Log’ tab.

Creating a New Email Category

Select the 'New' button to display the 'Add Email Category' screen.

Fields that require further explanation

Email Category

Choose the Communication Log Email Category from the drop-down list.

Whenever you select this email category to send Communications, a copy of the sent correspondence will be automatically included in the Student's 'Communications' list in Staff Kiosk program Learning Support > Class Plan Details and Support Plan Details.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Communication Log email categories are set up in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings on the 'Categories' tab.

You can nominate the email categories that are visible to teachers when viewing records in Staff Kiosk Student > Communication Log using TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Teachers/non-teachers will be able to send emails using any email category that they have permission to view.

The permissions that control the email categories that can be viewed are prepended with [Email Category] in the 'Student' section.

To allow teachers to send emails using any email category (not just the ones they can view), use the 'Send Email to all Categories' permission in the 'Other Permissions' section.

Select the '+Submit New' button to record your entry to the database.

To remove an Email Category, click the 'rubbish bin' icon.

Adjustment Categories

This section is used to create and maintain the adjustment categories to be recorded on student Support/Class Plans.

Creating a New Adjustment Category

Select the '+New' button to display the 'Add Adjustment' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


A mandatory field that requires you to enter a description of the Adjustment Category (up to 150 characters).

An example of an Adjustment Category might be 'Curriculum Planning'.


Untick this box if this Adjustment Category is redundant and not to be used anymore.


You can determine the order in which the Adjustment Categories display within the Support Plan for each student.


Select the '+New' button to display the 'Add Adjustment' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


A mandatory field that requires you to enter a description of the Adjustment Category (up to 300 characters).

An example of an Adjustment might be 'Reduced Number of Subjects'.


Untick this box if this Adjustment is redundant and not to be used anymore.


You can determine the order in which the Adjustment display within the Adjustment Category.

Select the '+Submit New' button to record your Adjustment for the Adjustment Category.

Select the '+Submit New' button to record your Adjustment Category to the database.

Select the 'Pencil' icon to edit an existing Adjustment Category.


This section is used to create and maintain the Signatories that can be included on print copies of the Support/Class Plan Details Reports

Accessible via the Learning Support (Setup) left menu, this section will display a list of all pre-existing Signatories which can be edited or deleted via the 'Action' column.

Where is this used?

If you click on the 'Print' icon on the Support Plan Details Grid (or on a Class Plan) you will open the print dialog modal. The option to include a signatory is on these print settings.

Creating a New Signatory

Select the 'New' button to display the 'Add Signatories' modal.

Fields that require further explanation


A mandatory field that requires a unique 3 character alphanumeric code used to define the Signatory, e.g. PAR (for Parent).


A mandatory field used to define the title of the signatory, e.g. Parent, Class Teacher, Principal, Head of Secondary.


Optional. For the signatory's name, e.g. Mrs. J. Smith.


A mandatory field that is used place the signatory in the drop-down list available on the Support/Class Plans print dialog modal.

The number must be between '0 and 99.99' (the default value will be 1.00).

Select the '+Submit New' button to record your entry to the database.

Note Categories

This section is used to create and maintain the note categories for recording general observations and conversations.

Notes assigned to these Note Categories will only be accessible in the Learning Support area.

Creating a New Note Category

This section will display a list of pre-existing Note Categories.

Select the 'New' button to display the 'Add Note' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


A mandatory field that requires a unique 3 character alphanumeric code used to define the Note Category.


A mandatory field that requires you to enter a description of the Note Category (up to 50 characters).

An example of a Note Category might be 'Observations'.

Select the '+Submit New' button to record your entry to the database.

Select the 'Pencil' icon to edit an existing Note Category.

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