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  • We do our best to estimate when features are going to be delivered to you. However, emergencies do come up and priorities can change. Some items that impact our roadmap include: customer feedback, TASS Forum voting, government requirements. 

  • The Roadmap below includes 'major' or noteworthy features e.g. TASS Forum enhancement requests. TASS continues to release software updates that include functional enhancements and bug fixes - these will be detailed in the Release Notes when the version is published. 

  • This is not a definitive list.  There will be some features released that will not be represented here but will be available in release notes as they come to fruition.

  • The majority of items in this roadmap are behind Feature Flags during development.  They are sometimes completed the month before the scheduled release month. If you would like to test these features, please contact TASS Customer Care to enable them for you. 

  • The rolling roadmap continually moves left and is adjusted as time passes and becomes less detailed the further out the plan stretches.  It is updated monthly to align with our development release lifecycle.


  • NOW - In active development

  • NEXT - In requirements gathering/scoping stage

  • LATER - Development backlog/approved for scoping

For more information on enhancements, releases and maintaining TASS: 

Recently Released Items

See all here

Release Notes (v01.059.06.200)
General Release Date: June 10, 2024

  • Markbook Save Prompt

    • Enhancement to Markbook. A browser prompt has been introduced to prevent closing or navigating away (e.g., back button, refresh, reload the page) from the Markbook Activity Assessment grid entry screen when there are unsaved changes.

  • Custom Rolls: Student Absences

    • The Staff Kiosk Rollcall > Custom Rolls program can now display each student’s school attendance status for the day. For example, if students are absent from school, their default status on a Custom Roll would be set to 'absent'.

Release Notes (v01.059.05.200)
General Release Date: May 13, 2024

  • Split Family Payment Methods

    • When parents separate, the payment methods that were previously being used for Parent Lounge Payment Schedules can be reassigned to the parent who owns the payment method in Parent Lounge.

  • Academic Reporting Label and Permission Changes

    • The references to 'webBook' and 'LMS' have been updated to match the new program content and features introduced during the Academic Reporting Overhaul Project.

  • Orbit Dashboard – Parent Statistic Communications

    • The 'School Email Address' fields are synchronised between Employee Records and Teacher Records.

  • Orbit Dashboard

    • Communications can be sent to parents from the Orbit Dashboard.
      e.g. to target parents who haven't downloaded Orbit.

Release Notes (v01.059.04.200)
General Release Date: April 15, 2024

  • Student Check In & Check Out

    • The Student Self Registration Portal has been enhanced with a new Student Check In / Out facility.  This new facility allows students to register their arrival on campus and departure from campus outside the timetabled school hours.

  • Extra Curricular - Automatic Roll Generation

    • When creating a new Extra Curricular Session or Fixture, tick the ‘Create Custom Roll’ checkbox to auto-generate single and recurring Custom Rolls.

  • Teacher & Employee Record Email Fields

    • The 'School Email Address' fields are synchronised between Employee Records and Teacher Records.

  • Orbit Dashboard

    • A new Orbit Dashboard is available in TASS.web program System Admin > Users, providing valuable statistics to inform schools of the current usage of their Orbit apps.

  • Staff Orbit App | Custom Rolls and Extra Curricular Endpoints

    • New OAuth2 API Application endpoints introduced for the Staff Orbit App.

Release Notes (v01.059.03.200)
General Release Date: March 18, 2024

  • Employment Position & Roles History

    • TASS.web users can view 'Position Title' History, 'Position Code' History and 'Person Entity Type' details in Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees and Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees.

  • Calculate Activity Total Scores from the Markbook

    • A new ‘Activity Total Score’ column is available on the ‘Markbook - Activity Assessment’ screen.

  • Custom Rolls - Adding Students on the fly

    • A new 'Add Students' option is available in the 'hamburger' menu of Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Custom Rolls. 

      This option allows users to record attendance for added students when they are not part of the original Custom Rollcall (e.g. a student who got on the incorrect bus)

  • Staff Orbit App | General Release Endpoints

    • New OAuth2 API Application endpoints introduced, and existing endpoints updated for Staff Orbit App General Release.

  • Entity/Object names added to Notes modal screen headings

    • 'Notes' and 'Confidential Notes' modal screen headings have been updated to display the ‘entity/object name’ based on 'base' record that was selected in the earlier screen that the user open to access the Notes program.

  • Orbit Firebase HTTP v1 API Changes

    • New Orbit Push Notifications APIs available to support Firebase HTTP v1 requirements, as the Firebase Legacy Push Notifications API will soon reach its end of life.

Student Administration Roadmap




Scheduling of Student Medication

A new system to allow for scheduled student medications and alerts for students and staff, and when they need to be administered. A log will be included to ensure recording or medication being administered.

User Type: Medical Staff, Teachers, Parents and Students

Timetable Daily Changes

An expansion of the TASS Timetable to allow daily overrides of Rooms and Staff to include a greater level of interaction with external timetabling solutions.

User Type: Timetable Administrators

Staff Kiosk Markbook - Default Calculation Rules

This enhancement will allow users to setup default calculation rules for the new Markbook in Staff Kiosk. The default calculation rule will automatically be applied to the Markbook for a class when the screen is loaded for the first time.

User Type: Department Heads & Teachers

Activity Setup Migration from webBook to Staff Kiosk

Expansion of MarkBook to include Assessment Activity Setup that replicates the functionality previously in webBook Activity Setup.

Estimated release: v59.08.200

Parents to enter planned absences for Extra Curricular activities with pre-populated list

Provide Parent Lounge users with the tools to indicate that a student will be absent from additional Custom Rolls on the day/s that they are indicating they will be absent from school. Allow events, sessions and fixtures linked to a custom roll to be updated in advance to indicate expected absence from the students edairy.

User Type: Parents

Staff Kiosk Markbook - Calculate Z Scores & Estimates

This enhancement will introduce the calculation of Z Scores in the new Markbook in Staff Kiosk. There will also be a facility to estimate results for student based on the Z Scores.

User Type: Teachers, Department Heads


Mark the student absent from any Extra Curricular activities when marked AFS for that day

User Type: Parent

Enrolled Student - Change Parent Code to Current Parent

Enhancement to facilitate users to change the parent of an enrolled student, even when the parent is marked as Current.

Forum Post

User Type: Enrolments Officer



Data Retention Policy

Full extent of the requirement is yet to be determined. Potential to include a relative date parameter based on flagged files to delete them after a period of time.

User Type: IT Administrators

Finance & Payroll / HR Roadmap




Enrolments - Invoicing an Enrolled Student

An enhancement to expand the functionality of School Shop, Parent Accounts and associated reports to allow for Enrolled Students based charges/credits before the student has been transferred to current.

Forum Post

User Type: Parents and Accounts Receivable Officers

Estimated release: v59.08.200

Requisitions: Ability for approver to edit GL Code field

An enhancement to allow approvers of purchase order requisitions to edit the GL Account of the requisition within the approval workflow.

Forum Post

User Type: Purchasing Officers

Add Percentage into Split Bill Account Details Options by Fee and by Student

Provide tools to distribute partial charges and credits associated with students to other parent accounts. Increase the flexibility of split billing allow a students fees to be divided over more than two accounts.

Events and Payments Additional Detail, Images and Attachments

Enhancements to the Events and Payments features, including multiple attachments, long-form descriptions with images and rich text. And creating an option to delay publishing to Parent Lounge.

User Type: Teacher

Estimated release: v59.08.200

TASS.web permissions change log

A new enhancement for an Administrator to have detailed history of permissions being added and removed from users and roles including when and by whom etc. This enables oversight and therefore enhanced assurance of data privacy and integrity.

User Type: IT Administrator

Enhance Teacher Details Program to Cater for Staff

Enhance the Teacher Details Program, providing the ability to look at School Staff that do not have Teacher Records and review available employee details.

Checkbox and Multi-Select accural that will be calculated on Paycode

User Type: New option in Paycode setup to selectivly accrue chosen accural codes.

Estimated release: v59.08.200


Parent Lounge Online Shop

A new program within Parent Lounge to allow parents to engage with the TASS School Shop for the purpose of buying items online through a secure payment gateway.

User Type: Parent



TASS.web Employee Note Category based permissions

Enhancement to expand the TASS.web Employee Note Categories permissions to include Category based permissions. This functionality currently only exists within Staff Kiosk

User Type: HR Administrators

Orbit Roadmap




Staff App Proof of Concept/Bleeding Edge

[Available for SIG Members only] The Bleeding Edge version of Staff Orbit includes: API foundation, app foundation, login authentication, Daily Digest: Staff eDiary, Basic Student Profile, Student Quick search and some of the UI framework.

User Type: Staff

Other Staff Timetable Staff Orbit

Access Other Teacher Timetables through the Staff Details tile to find out what they're up to.

User Type: Staff

Staff Kiosk Notifications Enhancements

Enhancements to the Notifications program:

  • Information displayed: sorting and notifications generated from other users.

  • Relaxing editing options (for parent orbit app notifications).

  • Keyword substitutions (for parent orbit app notifications).

  • Additional search modes: Academic Reporting & Student UD.

User Type: Administrator

Staff Extra Curricular Hub

The Staff Extra Curricular Hub will includes the staff members Extra Curricular Activity groups, fixtures and sessions, activity detail and student list for those included in the activity. You'll also be able to edit the team/level the student is in.

Extra Curricular Fixture Venue Info field into API

Introduce a new rich text field to provide venue details for Extra Curricular sessions and fixtures.

Events & Payments Push Notifications

Upcoming event reminders and reminders to accept and pay when a closing date is approaching.

User Type: Parents

Generate Push Notifications (Schoolbox)

Introducing the ability for Schoolbox to be able to import notifications directly into the TASS.web ecosystem and then send out those messages as push notifications to Parent Orbit.

Estimated release: v59.08.200

Staff Orbit Emergencies (Custom Rolls)

Initiate an emergency, automatically generate custom rolls for staff members to handle emergencies e.g. evacuation, fire drill and send push notifications to all staff. An Emergency Dashboard with rolls marked vs. not marked, unaccounted students and staff on leave will also be available.

User Type: Staff
Estimated release: v59.08.200

Parent Teacher Interviews Push Notifications

Notifications for:

  • Appointment confirmations

  • Reminders for upcoming appointments

  • Reminders to book when a closing date is approaching.

User Type: Parents

Add Student Notes

Staff can add new Standard and Confidential (if they have permission) notes to a student on the go in Staff Orbit.

User Type: Staff


Add Extra Curricular Future Absences

Parents will easily be able to enter absences for future Extra Curricular activities through the Extra Curricular Hub and when adding a school absentee

User Type: Parents

Leave Applications (View and Submit)

Staff can review and submit new leave applications for their supervisor to approve through Staff Kiosk. Handy for when you're home in bed, unwell.

Estimated release: v59.07.200


Staff Orbit Create Custom Rolls

Allow staff to create custom rolls from within Staff Orbit.

User Type: Staff

Staff Orbit Timesheets

Introduce a feature for Staff Orbit for non-permanent staff/coaches to submit timesheets.

User Type: Staff
Estimated release: v59.07.200


Staff Kiosk - Teacher Notifications Target Staff Orbit

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