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ACR - Objective Groups Tab


The ‘Objective Groups’ tab in Assessment Setup is used to set up and maintain Objective Groups used by:

When Generating Academic Reports, Objective Groups can also be used to set up the display of results:

  • In columns.

  • In bullet points.

  • In a sliding result continuum.

  • In a shaded cell.

  • In the centre-left or right of a result cell where a + / - scale is used.

Objectives (set up on the ‘Objectives' tab) can be allocated into Objective Groups using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Formats’ tab.

Academic Reports generated through TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports will then group and print Objectives under each Objective Group heading.

This is an example of how Objective Groups can be incorporated into the Academic Report:

Attitude to Learning



Task Completion


Contribution in Class


In the example above, 'Attitude to Learning' is the Objective Group whilst 'Effort', 'Task Completion' and 'Contribution in Class' are Objectives.

If your school is using a Custom Report (not the report generated through TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports) then Objective Group functionality will only work if it was originally specified when your report was originally designed.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

Access to this tab is regulated by the ‘Assessment Setup' and '--- Objective Groups’ permission points. These user security permissions can be enabled in TASS.web Student Admin > Users > User Maintenance or Security Role Permissions.

Objective Groups Grid

The ‘Objective Groups Grid’ appears when you open the ‘Objective Groups’ tab. It provides a summary of the 'Objective Groups' that have already been set up.

Grid Columns



This read-only field displays the Objective Group Code.


This read-only field displays the Objective Group Description.

Layout Style

This read-only field displays the Layout Style selected for how the results for Objectives allocated under this Objective Group will be displayed.

Sort Num

This read-only field displays the Sort Order used to determine the order that each Objective Group should appear on reports.

Report in Columns

This read-only field displays the number of result columns that have been set up against this Objective Group.



Click the ‘View' icon to display the ‘Objective Group Details’ screen in a display-only format.

When done, click ‘Cancel’ to return to the ‘Objective Groups’ tab.


Click the ‘Edit' icon to display the ‘Objective Group Details’ screen in an editable format and make any required changes.

When done, click ‘Save’ to save any changes and return to the ‘Objective Groups’ tab.


Click the ‘Delete' icon to delete an Objective Group.

An Objective Group can't be deleted when it is being used in other areas of TASS.web.

If the Objective Group is not currently in use, you will be asked to confirm whether you want to proceed with deleting it.

Add a New Objective Group

Click the '+ Add Objective Group' button to create a new 'Objective Group'.

Fields that require further explanation

* Code

This is a mandatory field.

Enter a unique alphanumeric code, up to 3 characters.

This code cannot be changed after an Objective Group has been created

* Description

This is a mandatory field.

Enter a description for the Objective Group Code, up to 80 characters.

The following 'keywords' may be used for substitution of the student's first name (or preferred) and subject description. 




The following keywords may be used for Gender Separation:








The keyword substitution values above are defined in TASS.web Bookmarks tab > Community > Setup Information using the 'Genders Setup' program.

Additional gender values (to those above) may exist and be available if your school has defined them.

Sort Num

Use this field to determine the order that Objective Groups should appear on reports.  

Layout Style

Use this field to indicate how the results for Objectives allocated under this Objective Group will be displayed.



Objective A

In the example above the student received an A.

Bullet Points using Result Related Comments



  • Demonstrates the knowledge and usage of various texts.

  • Able to describe and analyse various text types.

  • Able to compose imaginatively and critically for different audiences.

In the example above 'Strengths' is the Objective Group and following are Results;

  • Demonstrates the knowledge and usage of various texts.

  • Able to describe and analyse various text types.

  • Able to compose imaginatively and critically for different audiences.

Any Objective belonging to this Objective Group will display the result only in a dot point layout; the 'Objective Description' itself is not displayed.

You would most commonly use this layout where Result Related Comments have been set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Result Based Comment Translations.

Dynamic Result Placement (+/-)








In the example above the student received a 'B-'.

Any Objective belonging to this Objective Group will display:

  • Whole grades in the centre of the cell (e.g. A, B, C etc.)

  • Plus grades left of centre in the cell (e.g. A+, B+, C+ etc.)

  • Minus grades right of centre in the cell (e.g. A-, B-, C- etc.)

This option requires reporting in columns to be set up.

Shade Result Cell







In the example above the student received a 'B'.

Any Objective belonging to this Objective Group will shade the cell containing the student's result (as opposed to a character such as a dot or tick).

This option requires reporting in columns to be set up.

Sliding Result Continuum



In the example above the student received a 'C'.

Any Objective belonging to this Objective Group will display the student's result as a dot on a solid line.

This option requires reporting in columns to be set up.

Report in Columns

The Report in Columns section allows you to define the result columns that have been set up against this Objective Group.

Reports with results displayed in columns can be produced in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports.


The 'Status' field is display-only and appears only when a row has been 'Modified', 'Flagged for Deletion', or 'Added'. An appropriate icon will be displayed in this column.

Column No.

The 'Column No.' field determines the order in which the columns print when generating an Academic Report through TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports.

Column Text

The 'Column Text' field determines the Column Heading text that prints when generating an Academic Report through TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports.


The ‘Results’ column determines which results will be used in the column when generating an Academic Report through TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports.

To accurately map this field, you must enter result values in the same format as they are listed in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Infomation > Assessment Setup on the ‘Assessment Methods’ tab.

For non-numeric results, use the same values found in the ‘Valid Results’ column.

If you do not map this field correctly, the Generate Student Reports program will fail to print the tick marks, cell shading, and other details as expected.

Reporting in columns also supports multiple results in a single column. To do this, enter multiple results for this column in the 'Results' field separated by a comma. Refer to the Examples below for more information.


Click the ‘Delete' icon to delete a ‘Report in Column’ row.

The ‘Restore’ icon appears when a ‘Report in Column’ row has been added, uploaded or modified in the current session.

When this icon is clicked, modified records will be restored to the ‘Last Save’ or unflagged for deletion.  Any validation alerts on the selected row will also be cleared.

The ‘Last Save’ is the state the record was in when the screen was last saved.  If the record has not been saved in the current session, it will be rolled back to the state it was in when the screen was loaded.


Advanced Learning











In the example above, 'Advanced Learning' is the Objective Group whilst 'Content', 'Process' and 'Expression' are Objectives. 'Emerging', 'Developing', 'Consolidating' and 'Mastering' are the results.

If you do not want to use a tick (or other characters), use the 'Shade Result Cell' 'Layout Style' to shade the cell containing student results or use the 'Sliding Result Continuum' 'Layout Style' to display the student results as a dot on a solid line.

The setup required to achieve the example above would be:

Column No.

Column Text














Reporting in columns supports multiple results in a single column.

To do this, enter multiple results for this column in the 'Results' field separated by a comma.

Column No.

Column Text




A+, A, A-



B+, B, B-



C+, C, C-



D+, D, D-

You would then choose the 'Dynamic Result Placement (+/-)' 'Layout Style' to display student results in the centre, left or right in a column where a plus or minus has been entered.

Click ‘Save' to save the Objective Group and return to the ‘Objective Groups’ tab.

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