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What is the difference between a Unitised and Non-Unitised Timetable?

Unitised Timetable

A unitised or vertical timetable allows students to participate in subjects not specifically tied to their year group. For example, a high-achieving mathematics student in Year 10 may attend a timetabled Year 12 mathematics class.

Each subject and year group combination is assigned a unique subject code. For example, English would have different subject codes representing the various units of study for each year group.

Subject Code

Subject Description


Year 7 English


Year 8 English


Year 9 English


Year 10 English


Year 11 English


Year 12 English

The Subject Codes can be any combination of letters and numbers up to 15 characters, recommended to be easily recognisable. For Example:

Subject Code

Subject Description


Year 10 English


Year 10 English


Year 10 English


Year 10 English

Unitised Timetables have the 'Unitised/Vertical' flag set to 'Yes' in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup.

Non-Unitised Timetable

A non-unitised or horizontal timetable restricts students to subjects specifically defined for their year group. For example, all Year 10 students solely attend a timetable of Year 10 subject classes.

Non-unitised timetables typically employ the same subject codes for subjects across multiple year levels. For example, English might have a subject code of 0001, used consistently for different year groups.

Subject Code

Subject Description



Non-Unitised Timetables have the 'Unitised/Vertical' flag set to 'No' in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup.

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