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ACR - Assessment Methods Tab


This tab allows you to create and maintain the ‘Assessment Methods’ used to mark results against ‘Objectives’.

The ‘Assessment Methods’ created in this program can be linked to their ‘Objectives’ using TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup > ‘Result Format’ tab.

Add a New Assessment Method

Select the '+ Add New Assessment' button to enter a new 'Assessment Method'.

Fields that require detailed explanation


This field displays a unique 2-character alphanumeric code, used to identify each 'Assessment Method'.

This code cannot be changed so please select the code carefully.

If a 'yellow alert' icon appears in this column, it means that the system has detected that this Assessment Method has exactly the same validations as another Assessment Method. This will cause problems if these Assessment Methods have been used on an Objective that is used in Academic Analytics.


This is an information-only field to assist with describing this 'Assessment Method' and contains the following options:

N%       Percentage Number.

N          Numeric Score.

A+        Grade (-, +).

A          Grade.

PF        Pass/ Fail.

FF        Free Format.


This field displays a 5-character range example that will be displayed upon data entry in 'webBook'.

This prompt is a useful field to identify the types of results that can be entered, e.g. 0 – 100 or A - E


This field can be used to record a more detailed description than is available in the 'prompt' field, e.g. A Plus to E Minus

Validation Type

There are 3 'Validation Types' available:

  1. Individual.

  2. Range.

  3. No Validations.

Individual 'Validation Type'

This option allows you to nominate individual valid results, e.g. (A, B, C, D or E) or (VHA, HA, SA, LA or VLA). 

You can create any set of valid results that you wish.

This 'Validation Type' is necessary if you wish to use result related comments in 'webBook' or displayed on the printed academic report.

Using an individual 'Validation Type' will provide you with a dropdown list containing the valid results when entering results in webBook and Staff Kiosk Markbook.

Validations are required for 'Assessment Methods' with a 'Validation Type' of 'Individual'. 

When you select 'Validation Type - Individual' the Validations Grid is editable.

Fields that require detailed explanation


This field will be display only. When a row has been 'Modified', 'Flagged for Deletion' or 'Added' an appropriate icon will display in this column.

Sort Num

This is the order in which the Valid Result will be displayed. in the dropdown list.  This is a new feature.

Valid Result

This is a mandatory field.

Analytics Mapping

If this 'Assessment Method' is to be used with Objectives flagged for Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics, you will also need to map each valid result to a numeric value using the 'Analytics Mapping' field, e.g. A+ to E- (15 point scale) 'Calculation Rule'.

Analytics Mapping Example:

Student Grade

Numeric Value































For more information, refer to the 'How to Set Up for Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics'.

Range 'Validation Type'

This option allows you to enter a minimum and maximum result value (Numeric only).

Validations are required for 'Assessment Methods' with a 'Validation Type' of 'R'. 

Enter a 'Minimum Value' and 'Maximum Value'.

For example:

  • Minimum Value = 0.

  • Maximum Value = 100.

Tick the option of 'Print on Academic Report' to display the maximum value after the student result. eg 68/100.

Assessment Methods with a 'Validation Type' of 'Range' do not require 'Analytic Mapping' because the valid results are already of a numeric format.

No Validation

If no validation is required (i.e teachers can enter any result up to 7 characters) then leave this field blank.

This method is not recommended.

'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to edit established 'Assessment Methods'.


Fields that require detailed explanation

Source Assessment Method

This is a mandatory picklist of Assessment Methods that have other Assessment Methods with identical validations.

Objective Code

This will be an optional picklist of Objectives included in a Result Format where the associated Assessment method has been selected as the Source Assessment Method above.  You can select a single Objective to only merge the Assessment Methods for that objective or leave the field empty to merge the Assessment Methods for all of the Objectives in the picklist.

Target Assessment Method

This will be a mandatory picklist of Assessment Methods with identical Validations to the source Assessment Method.


Select the 'Print' icon to produce a listing of the 'Assessment Methods' displayed in the 'Assessment Methods' tab.

The 'Print' function allows you to choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Sorting options are available on the left side of the screen.

Use the checkboxes on the right side of the screen to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours', 'Table Borders' and 'Include 'Print on Academic Report' option'.

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