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ACR - Report Types Tab


This program allows you to create and maintain Report Types. Report Types were previously known as Result Sets and have been expanded to include a description.

A Report Type allows your school to create and reuse different result formats for the same subject for different types of academic reports.


  • Report Type 'I' for 'Interim reports'.

  • Report Type 'S' for 'Semester reports'.

The 'Report Type' is then added against an academic result period using program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods Tab.
This is how webBook and the Academic Reporting module determines the correct Result Format to use for a given result period.

Fields that require detailed explanation


This is a mandatory alphanumeric field in the range of A - Z and 0 - 9.


Type in a description of the Code.

+ Add Report Type

Click this button to add Report Types.

The Report Type can't be deleted when it is being used in other areas of TASS.web.

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