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School Logo Guidelines

There are multiple areas where school logos can be customised throughout TASS.

Reports and Listings in TASS.web

The logo that appears in the following reports is set up using TASS.web Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information.

This means that the logos are Company/School specific and that the reports generated out of each Company/School can have a unique logo.

It is recommended that your logo is in a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and that it be no larger than 900 pixels high by 600 pixels in width.

The respective Company/School logo will appear on the following TASS.web PDF listings and reports:

Source Documents / Statements

Academic Reports


Receipts (Parent Account and Sundry).

Customisable Interim and Semester Reports. *

Medical Details Form.

Parent Statements. **

Transcript of Academic Achievement.

Student Extra Curricular Certificates.

Creditor Remittance Advice Forms.

Parent Information Forms.

Purchase Orders.

All Internal Listings.

Book Hire Borrower Statements.

Commercial Debtor Invoices/Credits/Statements.

School Shop Student/Family Statements.

* For the logo to appear on the TASS.web customisable Academic Reports, it must be selected at runtime by clicking on the 'Browse' button on the 'First Page' tab in Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports, and navigating to the appropriate file on your workstation or network. Refer to the TASS.web knowledge base for this program for further information.

** The printing of the logo (including the school name and address) on the Parent Statement can be suppressed by un-checking the runtime option 'Print School Logo and Name'. This would only be used if you are printing statements onto pre-printed stationery and is not compatible with the 'Deliver via email where possible' option.

Reports and Listings in Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge and Student Café

All (PDF) listings produced within the portal products above will contain the Company/School logo set up using TASS.web Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information.

Login Screens in Staff Kiosk, WebBook and Parent Lounge

For more information, see How to Change Login Screen Logos in Staff Kiosk, webBook and Parent Lounge

Portal User Interfaces

For more information, see:

WebBook Toolbar 

For more information, see How to Change the webBook Toolbar Logo

Sports Fixtures & Results Portal

For more information, see TK - Parameters (Setup)(EC)

Student Self Registration Portals

For more information, see:

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