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ACR - Subject Outlines


This program allows you to enter year level based subject outlines.  

For example:

Year Level




English (0001)

During this Semester students have studied Australian literature and have submitted a detailed book review and creative writing assignment.


English (0001)

During this Semester students have studied modern poetry and have prepared a folio of their own works.


English (0001)

During this Semester students have studied a Shakespearian play and have submitted a detailed review and descriptive writing assignment.

Do not use this program if your school is running a unitised timetable.  If your school runs a unitised timetable, Subject Outlines must be entered in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup > 'Subjects' tab. Please contact TASS Support if you are unsure which mode the school is running.

Click here for more information.

Unitised timetables have a unique subject code for each subject and year group combination. For example, English is defined with separate subject codes to represent the units if study equivalent to each year group.

Non-unitised timetables are likely to have subject codes that are the same for subjects across multiple year levels. For example, English has a Subject Code of 0001 and that same subject code is used for multiple year groups.

Year Level based subject outlines are only used by program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports. DO NOT use year level based subject outlines if your school has a customised academic report as they will not print on your report.

This data can also be viewed and modified in Staff Kiosk Teacher > Subject Outlines.

Search Criteria

To retrieve existing year level based subject outlines use the search screen to select the Year Group/s and/or Subject/s that you want to display. These are multi-select fields.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while selecting values within a multi-select field permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) values.

To retrieve all year level based subject outlines leave these fields blank and click the 'Go' button.

The 'Subject Outlines' screen will be displayed.

'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to alter previously entered year level based subject outlines.

Click on the 'New Subject Outline' button to enter a new year level based subject outline.

Fields that require detailed explanation

Subject/ Year Group


Use a combination of these two fields to determine the year level and subject the outline will be recorded against.

Subject Outline


Use this field to enter the subject outline that will print on academic reports that are generated through program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports when the 'Include Subject Outlines' box is checked.

This is a 4000 character field.

Use the 'Spell Check' button to check your text before saving it to the database.

If your ‘Subject Outlines’ display on Academic Reports, use TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing to generate an ‘Export To PDF’ and check that your ‘Subject Outline' fits in the correct space. Adjust the character count of the ‘Subject Outline’ or the Academic Reporting 'Stylesheet’ if required.



This field is not currently used and has been included for possible future functionality.

Saving Year Level Subject Outlines

It is strongly recommended that year level subject outlines entered through this program are archived at the end of each reporting period.  By doing this you will then be able to retrieve and re-use them in future reporting periods.

Further information is available in the on-line help for programs Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special ProcessesCopy data to Archive and Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Restore Subject Outlines.

To do this:

  1. Make sure that program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Copy data to Archive is run once reporting is finalised.

  2. In the subsequent reporting period when restoring the subject outlines use program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Restore Subject Outlines.
    Chose the period from which you want to restore.

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