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EC - Student Activities


The ‘Extra Curricular’ tab in the Student Activities program allows for the management of Extra Curricular (EC) Activities for individual students. This program enables users to enter new activities and view, edit, or delete existing ones. Additionally, it can be used to add, edit, and delete Extra Curricular comments on Academic Reports and Student EC Certificates.

Student extra curricular information can be viewed in:

  • TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

  • Staff Kiosk Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups

  • Student Cafe My Activities > Extra Curricular

  • Parent Lounge Student Details > Extra Curricular

Alternative options for adding a student or group of students into an activity include:

Select the student for whom you want to add, edit or view activities.

To search for records in the TASS.web database use the:

Picker Screen


Searchable fields for the picker are 'Year Group', 'PC/Tutor Group', 'House' and 'Campus'.

The picker will default to display current students only, however, if you need information for a non-current student tick the 'Non-Current Students' checkbox in the 'Additional Criteria' section of the screen. You can also nominate to restrict your search by gender by choosing the 'Male' or 'Female' radio button in the 'Additional Criteria' section of the screen or 'Boarder' and 'Day Students'.

Click the 'Go' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and populate the Student Picker with the matching records.

Once a student has been selected from the picker, a summary of the record will appear in the Summary Information pane. The 'View' button at the bottom of the Summary Information pane will populate the 'Extra Curricular' screen.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

If 'Communications Rules' have been enabled, the student address will only be displayed under the 'Summary Information' panel in the picker, when one (and only one) address has been selected for the 'TASS Corr' (TASS.web Correspondence) on the 'Addresses & Communication Rules' tab in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

This has been done so that TASS.web users will not use the information displayed by the picker to communicate with an incorrect parent. TASS.web users should use the 'Addresses & Communication Rules' tab on the student's record for communication purposes.

Search Engine

Search Engine

Enter a search string directly into the 'Search' field at the top right of the screen.

Click on the 'Binoculars' icon (or press 'Enter') to execute the search.

The searchable fields are Student Code, Surname, Given Names, Preferred Name, Year Group or Date of Birth.

Search strings entered into the search engine are case insensitive. Wildcards can also be used within this field to broaden the search.

The 'Search Results' pane will display the matching records.

Highlight the record that you require and click on the 'View' button to display the 'Extra Curricular' screen.

A similar program is available in Staff Kiosk Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups > Students > 'pencil' icon. 

Add Student Activities

To add a new activity for a student, click on the 'Add Activity' button.

The 'Extra Curricular Activity Student Details' screen will be displayed with: Activity/Student Details, Activity Type User Defined (UD) Fields and a Comment field.  

View and Edit Student Activities

To 'View' or 'Edit' an activity against a student, click on the associated link.

The 'Extra Curricular Activity Student Details' screen will be displayed with: Activity/Student Details, Activity Type User Defined (UD) Fields and a Comment field. 

In 'Edit' mode, you may make changes to your selections.

Click the 'Save' button to submit the changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require detailed information


The year in which the student is involved in this activity. 


This field name is customisable.

The description of the extra curricular period that is displayed in this field is school definable (therefore it may not necessarily be 'Semester')

For example, your school may be term-based (as opposed to semester based); accordingly, this screen may be displaying a description of 'Term'.

The setup is done in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup.


This field name is customisable.

The Unit number that the student is completing. 

This is an optional field used to define an activity where participation is broken down into shorter periods.

If the student is involved in this activity for the entire semester, you may leave it blank.

The name of this field is customisable and is set up on the 'Extra Curricular' tab using the 'Description for Unit' field.  For example, this field may be called Term, Semester, Unit or something similar.

The setup is done in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Extra Curricular' tab. 

Activity Type

The Activity Type that the student is involved in. 

Activity Types are defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity Types' tab.

Activity Group

The actual Activity that the student is involved in. 

Activities are defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activities' tab and Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Activity Groups


The level (or team) for this activity that the student is involved in.

 Levels are defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity Level' tab.

Activity Type UD

These User Definable (UD) fields have been set up at your school.

A different set of User Definable fields is available for each 'Activity Type'.

They are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity Types' tab.

These UD fields are different from the 'Activity UD' fields described directly below. These fields are determined by the 'Activity Type'.

Activity UD 

These User Definable (UD) fields have been set up at your school.

A different set of User Definable fields is available for each 'Activity'.

They are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activities' tabs. 

These UD fields are different from the 'Activity Type UD' fields described directly above. These fields are determined by the 'Activity' itself.


You may enter up to 250 characters.

The comments that are entered here for this student's activity can be optionally printed on;

  • Extra curricular certificates using TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Listings/Reports/Merges > Student EC Certificates.

  • Student academic reports using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports > 'Other Options' tab > Extra Curricular Options. 

For Comments to print Student Reports and EC certificates the 'Print on EC Certificates' and/or 'Print on Academic Report' checkboxes will need to be ticked in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity' tab.

Note that once a student has been accepted/assigned to an Activity Group, the Comments entered may be visible in Parent Lounge Extra Curricular.  Refer to How to Setup and Implement Parent Lounge for more information. 

Delete an Activity from a Student

To delete an activity for a student record, click the 'Delete' link.

Click the 'Confirm' button, and the activity for this student will be removed from your TASS.web database.

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