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Subject Outlines

A subject outline is a more detailed description of a subject. The TASS.web customisable academic report includes an option to print subject outlines.

An example could be:

Subject Code

Subject Description

Subject Outline



During this semester the student has studied English literature including works by contemporary playwrights and novelists.

This program allows you to:

  • Enter new subject outlines. Click the 'plus symbol' icon. 
  • Maintain existing subject outlines. Click the 'pencil' icon.
  • Search for a subset of subjects for maintaining subject outlines.
  • Print a list of subjects and subject outlines.

When you access the program, the screen will display a list of subjects for the current year and semester (or term). Alternatively, use the options at the top of the screen to filter the subjects displayed.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

This Subject Outline data can also be viewed and modified in TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Subject Outlines  

Do not use this program if your school is running a unitised timetable.  

If your school runs a unitised timetable, Subject Outlines must be entered in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information >Student Records Setup> 'Subjects' tab.

Please contact TASS Support if you are unsure which mode the school is running.

Unitised timetables have a unique subject code for each subject and year group combination. For example, English is defined with separate subject codes to represent the units if study equivalent to each year group.

Non-unitised timetables are likely to have subject codes that are the same for subjects across multiple year levels. For example, English has a Subject Code of 0001 and that same subject code is used for multiple year groups.

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