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ACR - Published Student Reports

Published Student Reports Overview

This program will allow you to:

  • Select a range of academic reports from a reporting period. Only reports that have been generated using the 'Publish to Web' formatting option (in TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports) will be available.
  •  View or print selected student academic reports.

Search Criteria

Reporting Year and Period

Select the 'Reporting Year and Period' from which the report(s) will be printed.

This is a mandatory field.

If you select a 'Reporting Year and Period' for which the 'Publish to Web' option was not used, then no reports will be displayed.

Student Code

To retrieve an academic report for a single student in the reporting year and period specified above, enter a 'Student Code' or use the 'Binoculars' icon.

Year Level

To retrieve academic reports for a year level, leave the 'Student Code' field above blank and enter a 'Year Level'.

Creation Date

Nominate a 'Creation Date' to re-print a group of reports that were generated on a specific date.

For example, Senior School reports were printed on 01/04/2011 and Junior School reports were printed on 02/04/2011.

Click the 'GO' button to produce a list of reports.

The 'Published Academic Reports' screen will display a list of student academic reports for the nominated reporting period and search criteria that you entered on the previous screen.

You can sort the records displayed in the 'Published Academic Reports' screen by clicking on the headings at the top of the screen.

Click the 'View' action link to view and/or pr-print a student's academic report.

Click the 'Delete' action link to remove the nominated student report from the TASS database.

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