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ACR - Result Based Comments Tab


This program allows you to build or maintain result comments in a grid entry screen with fill down capabilities.

When generating an Academic Report, if the ‘Use Result Related Comments’ field is ticked and a ‘Result Based Comment’ exists it will print it in place of the actual raw result on the report. If a Result Based Comment does not exist, then the raw result will still be displayed.

If a ‘Result Based Comment’ exists it will be displayed:

  • Against students' Objectives in the Academic Report.

  • In the distribution summaries against each subject (where applicable) in the Academic Report.

The ‘Result Based Comments’ tab is an updated version of TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Result Based Comment Translations. Both programs currently work interchangeably.

The Result Based Comments landing page and the Result Based Comments Editable Grid will show Comments based on the filters selected.

Filter Options

Filters that require further explanation

Include Empty

This checkbox is unticked by default.

Leave unticked to display all valid results with Result Based Comments entered for the selected ‘Subjects’, ‘Objectives’ and ‘Year Levels’.

Tick ‘Include Empty’ to display all valid results whether comments are present or not for the selected ‘Subjects’, ‘Objectives’ and ‘Year Levels’.


All Objectives checkbox will be selected be default.

Select the objectives you want to display.

Year Level

All Year Levels checkbox will be selected by default.

Select the year levels you want to display.


All Subjects checkbox will be selected by default.

Select the subjects you want to display.

Valid Results

All Valid Results will be selected by default.

Choose the valid results you want to display.

The filters allow you to select multiple objectives, year levels, subjects and valid results.

Adding or Modifying a Result Based Comment

There are two ways to modify a record:

  1. Individually enter information for each record by clicking the Pencil icon and making changes.

  2. Use the Editable Grid. The Editable Grid allows you to edit data directly in the grid.

Fields that require further explanation


This field displays the Subject code and the Subject Description.

Year Level

This field will only be displayed when the timetable is in non-unitised mode.


The Objective Code and Objective Description is displayed.


The Result is displayed.


Comment is displayed.


Three icons will be displayed allowing you to View, Edit and Delete a Result Based Comment.

When editing a Result Based Comment you can use the spelling using the Check Spelling button.

Editable Grid

Fields that require further explanation


When a row has been modified or deleted an appropriate status of Mod or Del will be shown in this field. 

If a validation error has occurred on save, a red Alert icon will be shown.

When the Restore button is used, the status icon will be removed.


This field displays the Subject code and the Subject Description.

Year Level

This field will only be displayed when the timetable is in non-unitised mode.


The Objective Code and Objective Description is displayed.


The result is displayed.


This is an editable text field.

If a Comment is edited and then you move to another Comment cell or an action icon is selected, the changes made will be saved to the grid.


The Delete icon will flag a Result Based Comment for deletion.

The Restore icon is used to restore back to the last 'Save'.

Fill Down

When clicked it will paste the contents of the currently selected Comment field cell into all of the Comment fields below it.

Fill Down will overwrite any data that may be present in any Comment field.


The Editable Grid will close and return you to the Result Based Comments landing screen.


This will save your data.


Select the 'Print' icon to produce a listing of the Comments displayed on the Result Based Comments landing page based on the current filters.

The 'Print' function allows you to choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Use the checkboxes on the right side of the screen to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Show Table Borders'.

The TASS.web Customisable Student Reports have the ability to print 'Comments' based on the result that each student achieves for Objectives within each subject.

An example could be:










Creative Writing


Consistently demonstrated a very high level of achievement


Very High Achievement




Creative Writing


Consistently demonstrated a high level of achievement


High Achievement

Valid Results must exist for each result based comment being created. If this search does not find the required subject/Objective/Year Group combinations, then create the validations in the 'Result Formats' screen by clicking 'Create Validations'.

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