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PD Activities – My Staff (Maintain)

This program provides 'supervisors' with a tool to view and edit Professional Development (PD) activities for their staff.

The concept of 'My Staff' works on a hierarchical structure.



Using this example, the Deputy can view and edit the PD activities for the three HODs and the Teachers assigned to each HOD (Head of Department).

If your school is using an approval system for PD activities this program can be used to allow supervisors to approve PD activities for their staff.

An employee's 'Supervisor' is defined in TASS.web program Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the 'General' tab or program Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employee Grid Entry.

When this screen is displayed, the employees for whom you are their supervisor (either direct or indirect) will be shown.

Use any of the 'PD Activity Fields' to select the activities that you want to view or edit.

Click the 'GO' button.

To produce a list of activities click on the 'Print Staff PD Activities' button. 

Click 'Include Duration Total Field' to provide a total for PD Hours on your report.

To view the detailed record of an individual PD Activity, click on the 'View' link in the 'Action' column.

For further details of the fields on this screen, refer to Staff Kiosk program Payroll/HR > PD Activities – My (Add).

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