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My Staff Leave/Other Applications


This is a multi-purpose program that provides a tool to review and action applications that have been submitted by employees where you:

  • Are a direct supervisor.

  • Are an indirect supervisor.

Click here for more information on the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Supervisor Hierarchy

The Supervisor Hierarchy is an organizational chart that lists every employee's immediate supervisor(s) and their position within the hierarchy.

The report uses the 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields on each employee's record to determine their position in the hierarchy.

  • If an employee has no Supervisor entered, they will appear in the Level 1 column.

  • Two employees cannot report to each other. This creates an infinite loop, and an error report will be produced when viewing the Supervisor Hierarchy.

  • If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, their name will appear twice on the report. 

The below Organisational chart (not produced from TASS) reflects the above Supervisor Hierarchy Report from TASS. 

The Supervisor Hierarchy report can be provided to administrators who are responsible for managing Online Leave Applications and PD Activities in Staff Kiosk, as the approval flows for these programs reference the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Online Leave Applications

When an employee submits an online Leave Application, the approval workflow begins, requiring each approver, in order, to approve the leave.

Each Leave / Other Type can be set up to include any or all of three approver work flows:
  1st)  the number of approvers, including the employee's immediate Supervisor(s), and any number of people up the employee's hierarchical structure.
  2nd)  the employee's Supervisor at a certain level, allowing lower level supervisors to be skipped.
  3rd)  a final designated approver, separate to the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Example approval workflow:

For 'Sick Leave', each employee must have:

       1st)  2 Supervisor approvals
      2nd)  Level 2 approval
       3rd)  Olive Brown is the designated final approver for all Sick Leave applications.

Gavin Rogers applies for sick leave.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, the first of 2 supervisor approvers, receives the application by email and he approves.

  • David Johnstone, the second of 2 supervisor approvers, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Peter Baskins, as the Level 2 approver, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Olive Brown, as the designated approver, receives the application by email and she approves.
    Gavin Rogers receives an email as each approval occurs.

PD Activities

When an employee adds a PD Activity that requires approval, their immediate supervisor can approve it.

Example approval workflow:

Gavin Rogers adds a PD activity in Staff Kiosk.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, logs into Staff Kiosk and changes the status of the activity to Approved.

If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, either can approve the leave application or PD Activity.

  • Are an 'Extra Approver'.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

An 'Extra Approver' is the final approver of a leave application.

'Extra Approvers' are set up for each 'Leave Type' in Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > Leave Types (Setup) and Payroll/HR > Other Types (Setup) in the 'Designated Approver' field.

  • Have permission to access all employees.

'Other' is the default label used to describe staff absences that are not covered by Payroll 'Leave Types'. An example of an 'Other' type might be 'Inservice'. This default description can be changed using Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > Application Parameters (Setup). If your school has changed this description, this section of the employee profile might be called something else, e.g. My Staff Leave/Inservice Applications.

My Staff Leave/Other Applications Screen

The 'My Staff Leave/Other Applications' screen will:

  • Display a list of outstanding applications with a status of 'Draft' or 'Unapproved'.

To sort by a column, click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns, hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.

  • Allow you to filter and display a subset of all submitted applications (use the 'Staff', 'Type' and 'Status' options).

  • Allow you to search for applications submitted by an individual employee (use the 'Search Employee/Description' text search field).

The values that you can search on include 'Employee Code', 'Surname', 'Given Names', 'Preferred Name' and application 'Description'.

  • Provide a drill-down to view details of an application. Click the 'magnifying glass' icon.

  • Allow you to edit an application. Click the 'pencil' icon. 

An application can only be edited where it has a status of:

  • Unapproved and you have completed an approval in the workflow

  • Approved - not yet taken and you are the final approver in the workflow.

  • Approved - part taken and you are the final approver in the workflow.

An application will have a status of 'Unapproved' until the final approver in the workflow has approved it.

Click here for more information on the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Supervisor Hierarchy

The Supervisor Hierarchy is an organizational chart that lists every employee's immediate supervisor(s) and their position within the hierarchy.

The report uses the 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields on each employee's record to determine their position in the hierarchy.

  • If an employee has no Supervisor entered, they will appear in the Level 1 column.

  • Two employees cannot report to each other. This creates an infinite loop, and an error report will be produced when viewing the Supervisor Hierarchy.

  • If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, their name will appear twice on the report. 

The below Organisational chart (not produced from TASS) reflects the above Supervisor Hierarchy Report from TASS. 

The Supervisor Hierarchy report can be provided to administrators who are responsible for managing Online Leave Applications and PD Activities in Staff Kiosk, as the approval flows for these programs reference the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Online Leave Applications

When an employee submits an online Leave Application, the approval workflow begins, requiring each approver, in order, to approve the leave.

Each Leave / Other Type can be set up to include any or all of three approver work flows:
  1st)  the number of approvers, including the employee's immediate Supervisor(s), and any number of people up the employee's hierarchical structure.
  2nd)  the employee's Supervisor at a certain level, allowing lower level supervisors to be skipped.
  3rd)  a final designated approver, separate to the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Example approval workflow:

For 'Sick Leave', each employee must have:

       1st)  2 Supervisor approvals
      2nd)  Level 2 approval
       3rd)  Olive Brown is the designated final approver for all Sick Leave applications.

Gavin Rogers applies for sick leave.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, the first of 2 supervisor approvers, receives the application by email and he approves.

  • David Johnstone, the second of 2 supervisor approvers, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Peter Baskins, as the Level 2 approver, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Olive Brown, as the designated approver, receives the application by email and she approves.
    Gavin Rogers receives an email as each approval occurs.

PD Activities

When an employee adds a PD Activity that requires approval, their immediate supervisor can approve it.

Example approval workflow:

Gavin Rogers adds a PD activity in Staff Kiosk.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, logs into Staff Kiosk and changes the status of the activity to Approved.

If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, either can approve the leave application or PD Activity.

  • Allow you to approve an application.

  • Allow you to reject an application.

  • Allow you to return an application to an applicant for checking and resubmission.

  • Allow you to create a new 'Draft' application on behalf of an employee (use the '+ New Draft Application' button).

  • Allow you to submit a 'Draft' application on behalf of an employee.

An example of this may be to process the application for an employee when they are sick and the payroll is being run prior to their return.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The ability to submit a 'Draft' application requires the 'Submit Draft Application' permission setup in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.


Use the 'Calendar' button to display a calendar of Leave/Other Applications.

The calendar can display the following feeds:

  • Teachers.

  • Non-Teachers.

  • Public Holidays (based on details entered into Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > Public Holidays (Setup).

Your view preference for the feeds displayed is 'sticky'. This means that the system will remember your selected view options (eg. Day, Week, Month, Agenda and Staff Filter) when you leave this program, and it will automatically reload them when you use it next time.

The calendar will initially display using the default view (day, week or month) that has been defined by your school in Staff Kiosk Calendar > Parameters (Setup).

Click on the name of an employee to see the summary information of their application. Alternatively, click the 'Detail' button to view the leave application.

A tick will display beside the employee's name if the leave application has been 'Approved'.

Editing an Application

Select the 'pencil' icon to edit an application.  

An application can only be edited where it has a status of:

  • Unapproved and you have completed an approval in the workflow

  • Approved - not yet taken and you are the final approver in the workflow.

  • Approved - part taken and you are the final approver in the workflow.

An application will have a status of 'Unapproved' until the final approver in the workflow has approved it.

Click here for more information on the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Supervisor Hierarchy

The Supervisor Hierarchy is an organizational chart that lists every employee's immediate supervisor(s) and their position within the hierarchy.

The report uses the 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields on each employee's record to determine their position in the hierarchy.

  • If an employee has no Supervisor entered, they will appear in the Level 1 column.

  • Two employees cannot report to each other. This creates an infinite loop, and an error report will be produced when viewing the Supervisor Hierarchy.

  • If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, their name will appear twice on the report. 

The below Organisational chart (not produced from TASS) reflects the above Supervisor Hierarchy Report from TASS. 

The Supervisor Hierarchy report can be provided to administrators who are responsible for managing Online Leave Applications and PD Activities in Staff Kiosk, as the approval flows for these programs reference the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Online Leave Applications

When an employee submits an online Leave Application, the approval workflow begins, requiring each approver, in order, to approve the leave.

Each Leave / Other Type can be set up to include any or all of three approver work flows:
  1st)  the number of approvers, including the employee's immediate Supervisor(s), and any number of people up the employee's hierarchical structure.
  2nd)  the employee's Supervisor at a certain level, allowing lower level supervisors to be skipped.
  3rd)  a final designated approver, separate to the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Example approval workflow:

For 'Sick Leave', each employee must have:

       1st)  2 Supervisor approvals
      2nd)  Level 2 approval
       3rd)  Olive Brown is the designated final approver for all Sick Leave applications.

Gavin Rogers applies for sick leave.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, the first of 2 supervisor approvers, receives the application by email and he approves.

  • David Johnstone, the second of 2 supervisor approvers, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Peter Baskins, as the Level 2 approver, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Olive Brown, as the designated approver, receives the application by email and she approves.
    Gavin Rogers receives an email as each approval occurs.

PD Activities

When an employee adds a PD Activity that requires approval, their immediate supervisor can approve it.

Example approval workflow:

Gavin Rogers adds a PD activity in Staff Kiosk.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, logs into Staff Kiosk and changes the status of the activity to Approved.

If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, either can approve the leave application or PD Activity.

Fields that require further information

Reason for Change

Record up a comment of up to 1000 characters that explains the changes that you have made to this application.

+Add Confidential Details

Record a comment of up to 1000 characters.

The comment entered here is only visible to approvers with 'View Confidential Comments' permission.

Hover over the ‘question mark’ icon and click the 'Click here for details' option to see a list of approvers that can see this comment.

Show Leave Log

Every change that is made to an application from the time that it is submitted is logged including:

  • The user that made the change.

If you were ghosted as another employee, the log will record the name of the user you were ghosted in as and your own.

  • The action taken:

    • Approve Application.

    • Reject Application.

    • Edit Application.

    • Draft Application.

    • Submit Application.

  • The date and time of change.

  • Status of the application (after the action was taken).

  • Who the application is currently assigned to.

Click on the Change Log icon to view further details of the change. 

If the change you are making must be reviewed/checked by the original applicant:

  • Click the 'Approve' icon.

  • Enter a comment into the 'Approver's Comment' field. For example, 'Policy requires you to attach a medical certificate when applying for 'Sick Leave in advance. Please attach the required documentation and resubmit'.

  • Select 'Return to Applicant as Draft Application' from the 'I would like to' field and click 'Update'.

Approving, Rejecting or Returning an Application

Select the 'tick' icon to approve an application. 

An application can be approved, rejected or returned where:

  • The application status is 'Unapproved'.

  • The application is currently assigned to you for approval.

To Approve an Application

  • Click the 'tick' icon to approve an application. 

  • Enter a comment into the 'Approver's Comment' field, e.g. 'Approved – Enjoy your holiday'.

If your school has set up a 'Default Approval Comment' selecting 'Approve Application' from the 'I would like to' field below will automatically insert text into this field.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

A 'Default Approval Comment' can be set up using Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > Application Parameters (Setup).

  • Select 'Approve Application' from the 'I would like to' field and click 'Update'.

To Reject an Application

  • Click the 'tick' icon to approve an application. 

  • Enter a comment into the 'Approver's Comment' field.

  • Select 'Reject Application' from the 'I would like to' field and click 'Update'.

To Return an Application to the Applicant for Checking and Resubmission

  • Click the 'tick' icon to approve an application. 

  • Enter a comment into the 'Approver's Comment field. For example, 'Policy requires you to attach a medical certificate when applying for Sick Leave in advance. Please attach the required documentation and resubmit'.

  • Select 'Return to Applicant as Draft Application' from the 'I would like to' field and click 'Update'.

Adding a New Draft Application

A 'Draft' application is an application that:

  • You enter on behalf of another employee.

  • You return to the applicant to review and resubmit. An example of this might be if the employee has forgotten to complete a leave form or attach a medical certificate.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The ability to add a ‘Draft’ application is set up in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Click the '+ New Draft Application' button to display the 'Leave Application' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


Use the picklist to nominate the employee that this application is for.

The employees in this list will either be:

  • A direct or indirect report.

  • All employees (where you hold 'View All Staff' permission).

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Employees will only be displayed if they are assigned to payroll in TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees.

The remaining fields in this two-step process are the same as those described in Staff Kiosk Payroll/HR > My Payroll/HR > Leave/Other Applications > Adding a New Application.

When a 'Draft' application is submitted, an email will be sent to the applicant to review and resubmit the application for approval.

Cancel an Application

  • Click the 'minus symbol' icon. to cancel an application. 

  • Enter a 'Reason for Cancellation'.

  • Optionally you can enter a comment into the 'Confidential Details' text area.

  • Select 'Cancel Application'

This is only available when the status of the request is 'Unapproved' or 'Approved - not yet taken' or the Employee has been terminated. 

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