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Events and Payments - Details

Select 'View' from the hamburger menu in the 'Action' column to display a list of students allocated to the Event and Payment (EP).

Click the 'Details' link to view further Events and Payments Student Details recorded against a student.

Use the drop-down list on the right of the screen to generate a specific list of students who have either 'declined', 'not accepted' or 'have accepted' the event.

Use the 'hamburger menu' at the top right of the screen to:

  • Generate Emails to invited students and/or their parents.

  • Send an SMS to invited students and/or their parents.

  • Create Notifications for invited students and/or their parents that will:

    • Become visible to students in Student Café and/or to parents in Parent Lounge/Parent Orbit.

    • Be sent to parent mobile phones through the school's mobile app.

  • Utilise the Mail Merge feature.

  • Print an Events and Payments Listing or Report (the 'Printing Options' allows you to choose the destination of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®).

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