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MER - Student Medical Forms


The Student Medical Forms program enables you to produce medical forms that can be used to collect and verify student medical information from parents and guardians.

Three possible search modes are available to determine the 'filters' that will become available to then determine the students who will have medical forms produced.

  1. Parent/Student mode search.

  2. Subject mode search.

  3. Extra-curricular mode search.

Select the filter mode that you wish to use for these medical forms and click 'GO'.


If a 'WARNING: There are Unprocessed Medical Updates from Parent Lounge' message appears when you load this program, it means that a parent has submitted updates to their student's medical record through Parent Lounge and these updates have not yet been checked and accepted by the school. Therefore, the student medical information that is being displayed in this program may not be up to date. Updates should be processed using TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Updates from Parent Lounge.

Search Mode Selection

Parent/Student Mode Search

Using this mode of searching you can use any combination of fields on the 'Parent', 'Account Details' 'Parent User Defined', 'Student', 'Student User Defined' or 'Medical UD' tabs to select the students who will have a form produced.

The date picker calendar icons displayed in the 'Student' tab are date range pickers and allows the entry of a date range, e.g. All students with a 'Date of Birth' between 01/01/06 and 31/12/06.

The 'Year Group', 'House' and 'Campus' fields allow multiple selections. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

The 'Date of Entry Cut-off' field on the 'Student' tab can be used to exclude students who have been transferred in from enrolments with a future date of entry, e.g. Students who are starting next year.

Subject Mode Search

You would use this mode of searching to create a medical form for students studying a particular subject, e.g. All year 11 English students.

Current student subject choices need to be correctly entered into the system for this to work.

The 'Date of Entry Cut-off' field on the 'General' tab can be used to exclude students who have been transferred in from enrolments with a future date of entry, e.g. Students who are starting next year.

Extra-Curricular Mode Search

You would use this mode of searching to create a form for students who are involved in a particular extra-curricular activity, e.g. All year 11 students involved in the Choir.

Current student extra-curricular details need to be correctly entered into the system for this to work.

Form Options Tab

There are three different types of medical forms that can be produced using this program:

  1. Completed Form.

  2. Personalised Blank Form.

  3. Blank Form.

Use the radio buttons to indicate the type of medical form that you want to generate.

Formatting Options

Completed Form

This form produces a completed Medical Form with data derived from the TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical record displayed in the corresponding fields.

Personalised Blank Form

This form produces a completed medical form with data derived from the TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical record displayed in the corresponding fields. Additional line spaces and empty boxes are provided for parents and guardians to handwrite updated student medical information.

This option is likely to be used as the form to send to parents for a periodic update of their students' medical records.

Blank Form

This form produces a generic blank medical form that can be used to collect student medical information from parents and guardians.

This option is likely to be used as the form to send to parents when the school is initially collecting the medical information for students.

'Personalised Blank' and 'Completed' forms will only display the data that is currently in use by the TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical record.

  • Format for "Back to Back" printing.

  • Include Page Numbering.

  • Include Page Breaks.

Other formatting options.

Cover Page Options

  • Class.

  • PC/Tutor Group.

  • House.

  • Religion.

Select the student information that you want to print. Your school can also change the font and text to display on the cover page. Refer to section 'Customising your Student Medical Form' (below).

Print Tab

The 'Print' tab is used to determine what information will be included on the medical form.

Sort By

  • Surname.

  • Year Group.

  • Year Grp + Form Class.

  • PC Group.

  • Date of Birth.

This will determine the order in which the forms will be printed.

Content Options

This area of the screen allows you to determine the medical information that will be included on the form. You can untick any area that you do not want to include or that your school is not using.

Include Emergency Contact.

Displays the address on the parent record that has been defined as the 'Emergency Address' in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup.

This option is only available when 'Select Address to Print' has been selected in the 'Print Addresses' section of this tab.

If you are going to use the 'Use Communication Rules' option, select the 'Emergency Contact' rule to display emergency contact details.

For more information, refer to 'Print Addresses' (in this table below).

Include Medical Information.

Include Practitioners.

Include Immunisations.

Include Swimming Ability.

Displays all 'Swimming Levels' outlined in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup.

'Personalised Blank' and 'Completed' forms will display a cross beside the 'Swimming Level' currently in use by the TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical record.

Include Medication Info.

Include Supplementary Info.

When a 'Blank' form is generated only Supplementary Information where the Std Flag is set to 'Y' in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup will be displayed.

'Personalised Blank' and 'Completed' forms will display all Supplementary Information that is listed in the TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical record.

Include Med. Conditions.

When a 'Blank' form is generated only Medical Conditions where the Form Flag is set to 'Y' in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup will be displayed.

'Personalised Blank' and 'Completed' forms will display all Medical Conditions that are listed in the TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical record.

Include Med. Cond. Specific Notes.

Include Asthma Management.

The Asthma condition is unique, in that students who are flagged with this condition will have the 'Asthma Management' tab active in their 'Student Medical Record'.

The Asthma Management page prints on 'Blank' forms but then will only print on 'Completed' and 'Personalised Blank' if a student has an Asthma condition.

Include Social Management.

This page gives the parent the opportunity to enter free form notes that may relate to their student. This would be the sort of information that doesn't easily load into a database but the parent feels a need to notify the school about.

This option is only available when producing a Blank or Personalised Blank Form.

This (and perhaps the entire form that is received back from the parent) could be scanned and then attached to a medical note using TASS.doc.

Print Addresses

Use this section to define the addresses to include on the forms.

Use Communication Rules

Option 1 - Use Communication Rules

'Communication Rules' provide a 'student-centric' way of defining precisely how different areas of your school communicate with parents. They are especially useful for communication with split families and for families with students who have multiple parenting arrangements.

For more information, refer to How to Handle Split Family Arrangements.

Choose the 'Communication Rule(s)' that will be used to determine the parent address(es) that will be displayed on the medical forms.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of communication rule types.

For more information on the rules available, refer to Addresses and Communication Rules.

Print an additional Form for students who have Communication Rules with additional Parent records

Tick this option to produce additional forms for students who have Communication Rules with additional parent records attached.

A separate form will be produced for each parent record attached based on the Communication Rule Types selected above.

The address information that is displayed on each form will be limited to the address information on each individual parent record, i.e. A parent will not see address information from another parent record.

For more information 'Multi Parenting Arrangements', refer to How to Handle Split Family Arrangements.

Select Address to Print

Option 2 – Select Address to Print

Nominate which address(s) you wish to display on the Medical Form.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of address blocks.

Report Header

This field can be used to enter an alternative name for this report, e.g. 'Medical Details Form'.

Customising Your Student Medical Forms

Use these instructions to customise two elements of your school's student medical form.

  • Cover page text.

  • Asthma Management text.

This process should only be undertaken by your school's TASS System Administrator and is not designed to be a process that everyday users should undertake.

To customise the cover page or the asthma management plan text, use notepad to edit a file called medicalform.ini.

This file can be found on your TASS.web portal folder directly under the reportconfig folder.

It is important to take a copy of the original medicalform.ini file before making changes so that you have a format to fall back on if your changes don't work.

The first section in the file determines the title that prints on the cover page:


The next four lines indicate your preference for font. These lines should contain detail relevant to the font style, size, name and alignment.

font-style  =  BOLD

font-size  =  20

font-name  =  Times new Roman

align  =  CENTER

The final line is the actual text that will be displayed for the title, for example:

text=Medical Details Form

Make changes to these lines, save the file and then run TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Student Medical Forms for a single student to test.

Once you have mastered changing the title you can use the same methodology to change:

  • [Cover_Page_Text]

  • [Asthma_Mgnt_Plan_Title]

  • [Asthma_Mgnt_Plan_Sub_Title]

  • [Asthma_Mgnt_Plan_Text]

  • [Standard_Asthma_Mgnt_Plan_Text]

  • [Asthma_Mgnt_Plan_Agreement_Text]

  • [Asthma_Mgnt_Plan_Footer]

The best methodology for determining where each of these prints on the report is to print the medicalform.ini file and a TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Student Medical Forms for a single student and compare.

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