MER - Student Illness/Daily Log
The ‘Student Illness/Daily Log’ is a multi-purpose program that will allow you to:
View a daily snapshot of which students have visited the school's medical facility.
Create an 'Illness' record (i.e. Log a student into the sickbay).
Edit an 'Illness' record 'on-the-fly'.
Search for:
a subset of illness records (e.g., a list of all students who have had Asthma this term.)
an individual or subset of students (e.g., a list of students from Year 7)
Save a particular search criteria to run when opening the illness/daily log (e.g. open a listing according to campus).
Print a listing of records.
Parent Lounge Updates
If a 'WARNING: There are Unprocessed Medical Updates from Parent Lounge' message appears when you load this program, it means that a parent has submitted updates to their student's medical record through Parent Lounge and these updates have not yet been checked and accepted by the school. Therefore, the student medical information that is being displayed in this program may not be up to date. Updates should be processed using TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Updates from Parent Lounge.
Adding, editing or deleting an illness in this program will also impact on the information displayed on the ‘Illness’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical.
Parents and carers can access ‘Illness’ data in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit when:
the ‘Illness Details’ permission is enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.
the ‘Illness Tab' is set to ‘View Only’ on the 'Parent Lounge’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup.
the ‘Parent Lounge Flag' field is set to ‘Yes’ for the Medical Condition on the 'Conditions’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup.
In Parent Lounge Student Details > Illness Details, parents and carers can view Student name, Illness Date & Time, Condition, Illness Details (labeled as 'Description' in Parent Lounge) and Hospitalised (Y/N).
In Parent Orbit Student > Illness Details Student name, Condition, Illness Details (labelled as 'Description' in Parent Orbit), Treatment, Illness Date & Time, Discharge Date & Time.
View Student Illness / Daily Log
The Student Illness / Daily Log displays a list of illness records that have been entered either through this program or via the Illness Self Registration portal.
The default view includes records where the 'Date of Illness' is today's date, or the 'Date of Discharge' is null.
If a 'My Favourite' search criteria has been saved, the display includes only those records that meet your criteria. An onscreen message alerts you to this eg '10 records found using 'My Favourite' student search criteria.'
Other records can be found by using either the Student Search or Re-select buttons.
Click on a student's name to open their Student Medical Record.
![]() | The 'Student Search' icon allows you to enter specific information in order to display the information you require. There is also an option to 'Set Student Search Criteria as My Favourite', which determines which information displays each time you open the Student Illness / Daily Log program, and populates the search criteria accordingly each time the 'Student Search' screen is accessed. For example, if your school has more than one campus, you may like to use the 'Set Student Search Criteria as My Favourite' feature to display only students from your campus who have visited the health facility. You can delete a saved student search by selecting the 'Delete My Favourite' button. You can modify a saved student search by opening the Student Search screen, altering the search criteria, ensure the 'Set Student Search Criteria as My Favourite' is ticked, then click 'Search'. | Student Code | Enter a student code, or use the binoculars icon to open the Student Lookup function, to view a full listing of the student's log records. |
Student Search Criteria | A full listing of log records can be found using the following filter options:
| ||
![]() | The 'Re-select' button allows you to view records according to the following criteria: | Student Code | Enter a student code, or use the binoculars icon to open the Student Lookup function, to view a full listing of the student's log records. |
Student Search Criteria | A full listing of log records can be found using the following filter options:
| ||
Illness Search Criteria | A full listing of log records can be found using the following criteria:
| ||
![]() | To return to the current day's illness log click the 'Refresh' button. | ||
![]() | Select the 'Print' button to print the displayed records via PDF. |
Add an Illness Record
To log a new student into the medical centre or sick bay, click the 'Add Illness' button, and enter the details.
*Student Code | Mandatory. Enter a current student code, or execute a search by clicking on the 'Binoculars' icon. Once this field has been populated, further fields will be populated based on information held on the student record. A Medical Alert warning will display where the selected student has a medical condition which has an alert flag. A message will display if the selected student already has a record entered for this date. | ||||||||||||||||
*Date of Illness | Mandatory. Enter the date of the illness record or check in. | ||||||||||||||||
*Time of Illness | Mandatory. Enter the time of the illness record or check in. | ||||||||||||||||
*Condition | Mandatory. Enter a code of the medical condition, or select from a drop-down list of conditions. Conditions are set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup. | ||||||||||||||||
Treatment | Optional. Enter a treatment code, or select a treatment from the drop-down list. Treatments are set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup. | ||||||||||||||||
Medications for DD/MM/YYYY | This medication grid displays all medication records for the student on the same date as the illness record, showing the statuses of ‘Dispensed’, ‘Cancelled’, and ‘Not-Dispensed’.
The ‘Dispense Medications’ button will only appear above the Medications grid when this screen is in ‘Edit’ mode. Click ‘Save and Dispense Medication’ to enter into this mode. Medication records and schedules can be maintained on ‘Medications’ tab or the ‘Medical Conditions’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical. | ||||||||||||||||
Medication | Optional text entry. Enter medication given to the student. This field is being replaced by the Medication Dispensing system above. It will be modified in future to only show historical information. | ||||||||||||||||
Hospitalised (Y/N) | Optional. Select Yes or No from the drop down, | ||||||||||||||||
Illness Details | Optional text entry. Enter the details of the illness. | ||||||||||||||||
Date of Discharge | This information might not be known when adding the entry, but the record can be later edited to include this information. The date that the student leaves the medical facility. | Entered by | This field automatically populates with the user's code upon saving the record. | ||||||||||||||
Time of Discharge | This information might not be known when adding the entry, but the record can be later edited to include this information. The time that the student leaves the medical facility. | Entered on | This field automatically populates upon saving the record. | ||||||||||||||
Illness Notes | Optional text entry. Enter the details of the illness or medical facility visit. | ||||||||||||||||
Automatic Notifications | When ticked, these checkboxes send notification templates to parents via email, alert notification or SMS when the Illness Record is created. Notifications are sent to parents listed as ‘Emergency Contacts' on the student's 'Addresses and Communication Rules’ tab.
Click the 'Parent Contact Info' link to view contact details of parents listed as Emergency Contacts. Click the 'Email' icon to draft and send an email to one parent and/or the student. Click 'Email All' to send the same email to all parents and/or the student. A history of notifications sent can be viewed in the Student and/or Parent Communication Logs. For more information refer to:
To check if an SMS has been sent or is pending click 'Manage Queue' in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance > SMS Gateways. The ‘Notifications Log’ only appears after the Illness Record has been saved and notifications sent. The 'Notifications Log' link displays a history of notifications that were sent to parents when the Student Illness Record was originally created. It does not update when additional communications are sent. |
Click ‘Save’ to store the illness record in the database.
Click ‘Save and Dispense Medication’ to store the illness record in the database and dispense medication to the student. Refer the the ‘Dispense Medication’ section below for more information.
View or Edit an Illness Record (including Absence Record)
Once an illness has been added, the 'Action' column provides the 'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' options.
To discharge a student from the medical centre, use the 'Edit' option. You can enter further details regarding the treatment etc., then click the 'Discharge Now' button. This will automatically populate the 'Date of Discharge' and 'Time of Discharge' fields.
An Student Illness/Daily Log record cannot be deleted when a medication dispense record attached.
Absence Record
Once the 'Date of Discharge' and 'Time of Discharge' fields have been populated, the option to add a Student Absence record becomes available.
Tick the 'Add an Absence Record' checkbox at the bottom of the edit window.
The 'Student Absence' screen displays the following fields auto-populated: 'Date' (the Discharge Date), 'Type of Absence' ('Early Departure'), and 'Time of Departure' (Discharge Time). Fill out the other details and click Save.
Absences can only be added for the same date as the Illness within the current Attendance Year/Period.
If the Student does not have a Timetable, the Absent from Class option cannot be selected on the Student Absence screen.
After entering the absence details on the Student Absence screen, select a printer from the dropdown list and check the 'Print Early Departure Leave Pass' checkbox to print an early departure pass for the student.
Click ‘Update’ to save the absence record.
Illness Self Registration
If the Student 'Illness Self Registration' portal has been set up, illness records entered by students will also be displayed in the Daily Log.
Refer to How to Setup the Illness Self Registration Portal (ISR) for more information.
Change Logs Grid
Changes made via the ‘Student Illness/Daily Log’ and ‘Illness Self Registration’ portal can be traced via TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Change Logs Grid.
Dispensing Medication
To dispense medication to a student from the Student Illness/Daily Log, the screen must be in ‘Edit’ mode. This can be achieved by clicking ‘Save and Dispense Medication’ when creating the illness record or by clicking the ‘Edit’ link in the Action column for an existing Illness record. When the screen is in ‘Edit’ mode, the 'Dispense Medication' button is available above the medication grid.
Click the 'Dispense Medication' button to administer medication to the student.
Fields that require further explanation | |
*Student | This read-only field displays the name of the selected student. |
*Medication | Select a medication to dispense to the student. The ‘Non-Script Medication’ section contains any medications that have been defined by your school on the ‘Non-Script Medication’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup. The ‘Student’s Medications’ section contains any medications that have been defined for the student on the ‘Medications’ tab or ‘Medical Conditions’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical. |
Method of Use | This read-only field displays ‘Method of Use’ information from the medication record selected above. |
Further Details | This read-only field displays ‘Further Details’ from the medication record selected above. |
*Dosage | Enter the dosage the student will receive/has received, up to 100 characters. Examples: 1 tablet, 10ml. Each school will have different requirements for what needs to be recorded here. Please refer to your school's medication guidelines for more information. |
Last Dispensed | This read-only field displays information about when the selected medication was last dispensed in TASS.web. If the student has not previously has the medication dispensed in TASS.web “Not Previously Dispensed” will display instead. An alert message will appear when the elapsed time since the ‘Last Dispensed' is less than the ‘Minimum time between doses’. The ‘Minimum time between doses’ field is located on the ‘Medications’ tab and the ‘Medical Conditions' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical. |
Medical User Defined (UD) Field Description |
This field will only display when the following two conditions are met:
The data in this field comes from the nominated ‘Medical User Defined Data’ field on ‘General’ tab of the Student Medical Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical. Important You must ensure that the parents/carers have given consent before dispensing medication to the student. |
*Dispensed By | Select the name of the school employee who is dispensing the medication to the student. This drop-down list displays all current employees from TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees. When the current user has an Employee Code mapped to their user record, the default value for this field will be set to the current user. |
*Date/Time Dispensed | Select or enter the time when the medication was dispensed in in DD/MM/YYYY and HH:MM am/pm format. The default date is the 'Date of Illness'. |
*Note | Enter any notes related to medication dispensing for this illness record, up to 4000 characters. Each school will have different requirements for what needs to be recorded here. Please refer to your school's medication guidelines for more information. |
Click the ‘Submit Dispense’ button to add the dispense record to the database.
After non-scheduled medications have been dispensed:
The Status column will reflect that the medication has been 'Dispensed'.
The ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ functions become available in the Action column.
The medication dispense record will also be visible in:
The ‘Illness’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical.
The ‘Dispense Student Medication’ program in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information.