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MER - Medical Conditions Tab


The Student Medical ‘Medical Conditions’ tab is used to add and maintain the medical conditions for the student.

Adding a Medical Condition

To add a new medical condition, use the 'Add Condition' button.

The 'Add a Medical Condition' screen allows you to enter 'General Details' and 'Other Details (UD)' in a collapsible panel format.

General Details

Fields that require further explaination

Medical Condition

A mandatory field that requires you to enter a code or select from a drop-down list of conditions that has been set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup.

The same code may not be recorded more than once for any given student.

When conditions are set up they can be flagged to show an alert every time the medical or student record is accessed for that student.

Alerts will also be displayed in Staff Kiosk.

Severe Condition

A mandatory field that requires you to indicate using a Y/N drop-down list if the condition is severe.

When an Alert Flag for the condition is activated it will be displayed with (Severe) after it in the program areas where Alert Flags appear. Example: Bronchitis (Severe).

Alert Flags for Medical Conditions can be set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup.

Date of Last Occurrence

If known, enter the date when the student last had an occurrence of this condition.

General Note

Enter up to 4000 characters of notation that relates to this condition for this student.

The same 'Medical Condition' may not be recorded more than once for any given student.

Condition-Specific Other Details

The ‘Other Details (UD)’ panel allows the entry of information into 10 user-defined fields. These fields are defined by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup.

Viewing and Editing Medical Condition

Once a medical condition has been saved, the 'Action' column in the medical conditions tab provides the 'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' options.

Click ‘Delete’ to remove a medical condition.

A medical condition cannot be deleted when a medication dispensing record is attached.

Click ‘Edit’ to add further information about the medical condition.

Three additional four collapsible panels then become available to enter data.

Condition-Specific Attachments

Use the 'Attachments' panel to add multiple documents relating to the medical condition. An example would be a doctor's letter or an anaphylaxis plan.

Condition-Specific Medication Requirements

The ‘Medication Requirements' panel displays the ‘Name of Medication', 'Method of Use' and 'Medication Details' for any medications the student currently takes or has had in the past to treat their medical condition. Click 'View’ or 'Edit’ to see more information about each medication.

Add Medication

Click 'Add Medication' to access the 'Add Medication Requirement' screen.

On this screen, you can input medication details into the selected student's medical record.

Fields that require further explanation

*Medical Condition

If the medication relates to a ‘Medical Condition’, select the condition from the drop-down list.    

To add a new Medical Condition go to the ‘Medical Conditions’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical.

If the medication does not relate to a medical condition, select ‘No Condition’. 

In 'Edit' mode, you cannot link an existing standalone medication (No Condition) to a Medical Condition or change the Medical Condition of an existing medication.

*Medication Name

Enter the name of the medication that is being dispensed, up to 200 characters.

This could either be the brand or the scientific name of the medication. 

Examples: Paracetamol or Panadol®, Ibuprofen or Nurofen®.    

Each school will have different requirements for what needs to be recorded here. For more information, please refer to your school's medication guidelines.

Method of Use

Enter the method or route used to dispense the medication, up to 200 characters.

Examples: oral, topical, inhalation, nasal.

Each school will have different requirements for what needs to be recorded here. Please refer to your school's medication guidelines for more information.

Further Details

Enter any further information about the medication, up to 200 characters.

Further information could include the dosage requirements, or how and when to dispense the medication.

Examples: 2x 10mg tablets at 10 am daily until further notice, or 10mls of liquid at 12pm daily with food until the bottle is finished.

Each school will have different requirements for what needs to be recorded here. Please refer to your school's medication guidelines for more information.

Start Date

Enter the date when the student commenced taking the medication at school.

End Date

Enter the date when the student will cease taking the medication at school. 

If the medication is ongoing and there is no end date, you can either enter the student's ‘Date of Leaving’ or leave this field blank.


Select how the medication will be administered.  

The default selection is ‘Self-Medicate’.

Select ‘Self-Medicate’ if the student can dispense the medication themselves.

Select ‘Needs Assistance’ if staff assistance is required to dispense the medication.

Staff Training Required?

Tick this checkbox if staff training is required to dispense this medication.

Untick this checkbox if untrained staff members can dispense this medication. 

This checkbox is not visible to users when dispensing medication.

Each school will have different requirements for how this field is used. Please refer to your school's medication guidelines for more information.

Prescribing Practitioner

Select the name of the medical practitioner who prescribed this medication to the student. When an existing practitioner is selected, their Phone Number will populate the ‘Practitioner Phone’ field below.

The drop-down list contains details from the ‘Practitioners’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical, their name/s will appear and can be selected from the drop-down list.

If the practitioner is not included in the drop-down list, use the 'Enter a New Practitioner' field to input their name, up to 30 characters.

The ‘Enter a New Practitioner’ field is only related to the medication record. It does not update the ‘Practitioners' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical.

Practitioner Phone

Enter the Practitioner's phone number.

When you select an existing practitioner in the 'Prescribing Practitioner' field, their phone number will automatically appear here.

Editing an existing practitioner’s phone number does not update the 'Practitioner Phone' field on the ‘Practitioners' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical.

Minimum time between doses

Use this field to specify the time interval that must lapse before administering the next dose of the medication.

If staff attempt to dispense medication to students within this time frame, a warning message will appear in the medication dispensing programs.

Expiry Date

Enter the expiration date of the medication. 

If staff attempt to dispense medication to students past this date, a message warning will appear in the medication dispensing programs.

Expiry Notification Date

Coming Soon!  This field will soon allow you to set the number of days before the expiration date for parent notifications.

Click ‘Save’ to store the medication details in the database.

Upon clicking ‘Save', additional fields for ‘Notes’, ‘Attachments’, and 'Medication Schedule’ become available.


To add a note related to the medication, click the '+ Add Note' button.

Enter a date in the 'Note Date' field and your text in the 'Note Text' field. The 'Note Text' field allows up to 4000 characters. After entering your text, you can use the 'Check Spelling' button to check for spelling errors. Finally, click 'Save' to save your note to the medication record.

The following icons on the Medication Requirement screen allow you to view, edit and delete notes if required.


Click the ‘magnifying glass’ icon to view a note.


Click the 'pencil' icon to edit a note.


Click the 'rubbish bin' icon to delete a note.

Then click the 'Confirm Delete' button to proceed.

These Notes are not visible to users when dispensing medication.

Each school will have different requirements for what needs to be recorded here. Please refer to your school's medication guidelines for more information.


To add an attachment related to the medication, click the '+ Add Attachment' button.

Examples: A completed authority to dispense form, a photo of the medication in its storage location, or a doctor's letter regarding medication use.

Click the ‘+ Choose’ button to locate your preferred attachment. Use the ‘Clear’ button to remove the attachment and select another. Then, click the ‘Save’ button to save your attachment to the medication record. 

The following icons on the Medication Requirement screen allow you to view, download or delete the attachments if required.


Click the ‘document’ icon to view or download the attachment.


Click the ‘rubbish bin’ icon to delete the attachment.

These notes are not visible to users when dispensing medication.

Each school will have different requirements for what needs to be recorded here. Please refer to your school's medication guidelines for more information.

Medication Schedule

To add a schedule for the medication, click the ‘Add Schedule’ button.

When a schedule is added here, it will appear in the 'Dispense Student Medication' program on the day that the medication is supposed to be administered. This program is located in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information. Please refer to the 'Dispense Student Medication' article for further information.

Fields that require further explanation


Tick the days of the week when the student needs medication.

Click ‘Weekdays’ to select weekdays or ‘All Days’ to select every day.


Enter the time when the medication must be dispensed to the student on the days selected above.

*Start Date

Enter a date for when the medication schedule will commence in the ‘Dispense Student Medication’ program. 

The Start Date must be later than or equal to today's date.

End Date

Enter the date for when the medication schedule will end in the ‘Dispense Student Medication’ program.

If the medication is ongoing and there is no end date, you can either enter the student's ‘Date of Leaving’ or leave this field blank.


Enter the dosage the student should receive for the specified days, dates, and times, up to 100 characters.

Examples: 1 tablet, 10ml.

Each school will have different requirements for what needs to be recorded here. Please refer to your school's medication guidelines for more information.

Click the ‘Save’ button to save this schedule for the medication record. 

To change a student’s medication schedule after the medication has already been dispensed, refer to How do I change a student's medication schedule?

The following icons on the Medication Requirement screen allow you to view, edit or delete the schedule if required.


Click the ‘magnifying glass’ icon to view a medication schedule.


Click the 'pencil' icon to edit a medication schedule.


Click the 'rubbish bin' icon to delete a medication schedule.

Then click the 'Confirm Delete' button to proceed.

Condition-Specific Notes

The 'Condition Specific Notes' panel allows notes to be added, viewed, edited and deleted.

A condition cannot be deleted if it has notes or medication details attached to it.

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