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How to Setup the Illness Self Registration Portal (ISR)




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Read the overview of on the 'Self Registration' tab in Medical Setup.

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Enable and configure the Self Registration Portal

Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup on the 'Self Registration' tab.

Review the settings and configure the appropriate options.

If your school has set up multiple ISR terminals and docket printers, leave the 'Docket Printer' field blank.

When the ASR system is logged in, the user will be directed to a second screen where he/she will be able to nominate the docket printer that belongs to the terminal.

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Define Attendance Reasons available 

Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup  on the 'Conditions' tab.

The ISR system is designed to display up to 15 reasons if the screen resolution and screen modes match the recommended settings specified in the How to setup Student Self Registration Portals checklist. 

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Add Contact Details

Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup on the 'Medical' tab.

The 'Email' and 'Name' fields will become mandatory if either of the options 'Email details of failed login attempts' or 'Email Illness confirmation to students' is checked on the 'Self Registration' tab.

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