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Medical Records (MER)


The TASS.web module goes beyond being a student medical record database. The sickbay tracking program turns it into an interactive system for logging and tracking illnesses.

School medical staff can:

  • log students in and out of sickbay

  • retrieve critical student medical information

  • analyse condition or sickness trends from one screen.

The medical record for each student includes:

  • Emergency Contact Information

  • School Definable Medical Data

  • Medical Conditions

  • Medication Information

  • Immunisation Details

  • Practitioner Information

  • Illness History

  • Supplementary Information

  • Asthma Management Information

  • Notes (with attachments)

  • Confidential Notes with attachments.


Attach scanned copies of medical certificates or medical files to student records. This facility provides your school with a secure means of keeping these records and a simple means of retrieving them when they are most needed.


The Medical Alert system warns your medical staff of student-specific conditions or illnesses when accessing records or logging the student into sickbay.


TASS.web generates a comprehensive medical form to send home to parents for their review and updating. Produced using Adobe PDF format these forms can also be emailed.


Analyse illness trends at your school using the medical module search engine. This tool quickly provides data of illness records within specified periods, across year groups or other sections of the school. The search engine can also determine treatments that have been prescribed to assist with stock control planning.

Ancillary Information

Store ancillary medical information that provides a complete picture of the student's health, such as testing of hearing, sight, fine motor skills and orthodontics examination results.

Medication Dispensing

Add and manage medication-related information, schedule due dates and times, track when students should receive their medication, and log a record of each dispensed medication.

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