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MER - Updates From Parent Lounge


The ‘Updates From Parent Lounge’ program enables you to review updates to medical records that have been submitted by parents from Parent Lounge.

Parent Lounge has functionality that allows parents to submit updates for the following medical information:

  • General Medical Details.

  • Medical Conditions including attachments.

  • Immunisations including Immunisation Register information.

  • Medical Practitioners.

  • Supplementary Information.

  • Swimming Levels.

Users who have been granted permission for this program will receive a warning when they login to TASS.web when there are unprocessed medical updates from Parent Lounge.

All users will also receive a warning when there are unprocessed medical updates from Parent Lounge and they access the following programs:

  • Student Medical.

  • Student Illness/Daily Log.

  • Student Medical History.

  • Student Medical Forms.

  • Student Illness Report.

  • Medical Condition Report.

  • Medical Setup.

All updates submitted by parents that have not yet been reviewed and accepted will appear when this program is loaded. Alternatively, you can use the 'Re-select' button to filter the records displayed.

Click the 'Review' link to display all of the updates for a student.

Explanation of Symbols



The updates submitted by the parent have an 'eye' symbol next to them. Hover over this icon to view the value of this record in the database, prior to this request for an update from the parent.

A 'yellow alert' symbol indicates that the update is a change to existing data.   

A 'green plus' symbol indicates that the update involves a parent submitting new data.

A 'red minus' symbol indicates that the update involves a parent deleting data.

Hover over any of these symbols to see the parent code and the Date/Time that the update was submitted.

Accepting or Rejecting Changes

Accept or reject the changes individually or use the 'Accept All' or 'Reject All' at the bottom of the screen.
A record will be inserted into the Change Logs Grid each time a user accepts or rejects the parent update, which can be viewed for change details. 

Prior to saving the record, it is recommended that you use the 'Print' button to produce a report that provides the details of the area that will be changed.  Where data will be updated, the original data will be detailed directly below.  

For example:


Click the 'Save' button to commit these updates to the student record.  The updates will not save until all requested updates have been either accepted or rejected.

If 'Send an email notification to parents when a Medical Update is accepted or rejected' is ticked in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup on the 'Parent Lounge' tab, an email notification will be sent.

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