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SMS Gateway APIs


Before proceeding with setting up these parameters you should follow the steps in the SMS Notification Setup Checklist.

Messaging Format

Format to use if SMS Text messaging is enabled:

Australian Schools

For Australian schools TASS.web currently interfaces with:

    Using a partnership with SMSGlobal, SMS credits can be purchased directly from TASS. Credits will automatically top-up and an option of sending with a virtual number is available.

  • Streetdata SMS Service
    The most popular method is to send the messages via a webservice/gateway. If you intend to use this method, select 'Streetdata via web service/gateway'.
    Streetdata also accepts messages via email. If you intend to use this method, select 'Streetdata via email'.


Users will need to acquire a registration code to create an account with Streetdata in order to use the TASS.web SMS messaging system.

  • To receive a registration code from Streetdata, please call 0500 520 110, or (02) 9016 3829, or email:
    You will then have to go online and enter the registration code that you have received from Streetdata to set up your Streetdata account by clicking on the following link:
    Once the account is created, you will be issued (via email) with a username and password that will be entered into TASS.web in order to create the correct parameters for successful message sending.


Please be sure that you understand and accept the charges and conditions outlined by Streetdata before proceeding.

South African and United Kingdom Schools

  • BulkSMS:

    • For schools located in South Africa, select 'BulkSMS via email (ZA)'.

    • For schools located in the United Kingdom, select 'BulkSMS via email (UK)'.
      An account must first be set up with BulkSMS:
      Once set up, create your user details by setting up an email address and password.
      This email address must then be inserted in the 'Messaging A/c Id' field below.

Messaging A/c Id

The SMS Gateway vendor will supply an account identifier to enter in this field once an account is created.

Enable Multi-Part Messaging

Ticking this box will remove the normal *160 character limit for SMS messages.

*The text limit can be increased to 800 characters by enabling 'Multi-Part Messaging'. The payload of each multi-part message is 153 characters (rather than 160). Where messages are more than 153 characters in length, the message is split into multiple parts (i.e. 2 or more parts of 153 characters) allowing for the swift delivery of long messages. The caveat is the additional message parts will incur additional costs.

If you are interested in utilising SMS 'Multi-Part Messaging' for your school, please contact TASS Support for guidance.

Please be aware that each multi-part message (153 characters) is charged as a single SMS.

The checkbox will be greyed out (inactive) when the 'Message Format' is via email as per the following list:

  • BulkSMS via Email (UK).

  • BulkSMS via Email (ZA).

  • Streetdata via Email.


Once enabled (ticked), and the 'Message Format' is set to Streetdata via Webservice Gateway, a pop-up message will be displayed to inform the user that they must configure their SMS service for multi-part messaging. Failure to do so will result in truncated SMS messages.

This field also controls the Push Notification character limits in Staff Kiosk Rollcall > Emergency Types (Setup).

A/c Password

The SMS Gateway vendor will supply a password to enter in this field once an account is created.

Display Name

This field is only used for 'TASS SMS'.

If a Virtual Mobile number has been assigned, enter the assigned Virtual Mobile Number in international mobile number format, e.g. 614xxxxxxxx.

If you do not have a Virtual Mobile number, text entered in this field will be displayed to recipients of SMS messages.


Entering in this field will disable the replies for your account.

If left blank, the 'random' mobile number will be visible to recipients.

Credit Balance

This field is only used for 'TASS SMS'.

The current dollar balance of SMS Credits remaining will be displayed.

Credit Package

This field is only used for 'TASS SMS'.

The number of SMS credits that will be applied when the auto top-up is activated will be displayed.

Auto Topup Trigger

This field is only used for 'TASS SMS'.

SMS credits will automatically be topped up when the balance of credits reaches 10% of the original package amount. For example, if you purchased 50,000 credits, once your balance reaches 5,000 credits you will be topped up with an additional 50,000 credits. 


This field is only used for 'TASS SMS'.

Displays the status of the connection to the SMS Gateway.

If the status is 'Failed', please contact Software Support.


This field is only used for 'TASS SMS'.

Indicates if the credentials used for the SMS account are valid.

If the status is 'Failed', please contact Software Support.

Manage Queue

Click on the 'Manage Queue' icon to display all messages where the status is ‘Queued’.  

Fields that require further explanation 


The source of the SMS:

  • Attendance 

  • Parent Messages 

  • Parent Teacher Interview Reminders

  • SMS Alerts 

  • Student Illness Notifications

Entity Code 

The Employee, Parent, or Student Code of the recipient. 


The entity Type of the recipient - 'Employee', 'Parent', or 'Student'. 

Message Text 

The first 40 characters of the message will display. If the message length exceeds 40 characters, hover over the cell to view the entire message. 

Message Date and Time

The date and time that the message was sent. 

Mobile Number 

The recipient's mobile number. 


The status 'Queued' will display. 


  • Date Range  

  • Message Source:  Attendance, Parent Messages, Parent Teacher Interview Reminders or SMS Alerts 

  • Entity Type:  Employee, Parent, or Student recipients 

Cancel Messages 

Queued messages can be cancelled in bulk by selecting the 'All' checkbox, and then the 'Cancel Messages' button.  
Alternatively, manually tick the messages that are to be cancelled, then the 'Cancel Messages' button. 

A confirmation message will display to check that you want to cancel the selected messages. Click 'Yes' to proceed. 

A message will display if any messages were not able to be cancelled due to their status changing between selecting the Yes button and before the action could occur ie, they were successfully sent in that time. 

Access to the ‘SMS Queue Maintenance’ program requires the ‘Edit’ Permission for the ‘SMS Queue Maintenance’ security point. 

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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