MER - Parent Lounge Tab (SU)
Parents are able to view and update the medical information that the school has on record for their child using Parent Lounge Student Details > Medical Details.
Parents are also able to:
View illness details (sickbay records) using Parent Lounge Student Details > Illness Details.
View medical notes using Parent Lounge Student Details > Medical Notes.
The permissions that are set up on this tab determine the medical information that you want parents to view and update.
The ability to edit these setups is a separate security point. If there is no 'Edit Parent Lounge' link, it means that you don't have 'Edit' permission to this security point.
Updates that parents have submitted through Parent Lounge are processed into TASS.web using TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Updates from Parent Lounge.
Parent Lounge Permission Setup
Before allowing parents to view and/or update medical information, go to TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical and view a record to see the fields on each tab (as detailed above) that will be available to the parents. If there are fields on any tab that should not be made available to parents then set the Parent Lounge Permission to 'Do Not Display' for that tab (or section within a tab).
The medical information that is potentially available to parents and can be set up in 'View Only' mode or 'View and Edit' mode includes:
General Tab
Swimming Details.
General Medical Details (UD fields).
If you allow parents to view or edit General Medical Details, you will need to go to the 'User Defined' tab (in this program) and exclude any fields that you don't want parents to access.
Medical Conditions Tab
Medical Conditions – General Details.
Medical Conditions – Other Details (UD fields).
Medical Conditions – Attachments.
Medical Conditions – Medication Requirements.
Medical Conditions – Condition Specific Notes.
If you allow parents to view or edit Medical Conditions, you will need to go to the 'Conditions' tab (in this program) and exclude any conditions that you don't want parents to access.
Immunisation Tab
Immunisation Register
If you allow parents to view or edit Immunisations, you will need to go to the 'Immunisations' tab (in this program) and exclude any immunisations that you don't want parents to access.
Practitioners Tab
Medical Practitioners
If you allow parents to view or edit Practitioners, you will need to go to the 'Practitioner Types' tab (in this program) and exclude any practitioners that you don't want parents to access.
Supplementary Info Tab
Supplementary Information
If you allow parents to view or edit Supplementary Info, you will need to go to the 'Supplementary' tab (in this program) and exclude any information that you don't want parents to access.
The medical information that is potentially available to parents and can be set up in 'View Only' mode includes:
Notes Tab
General Medical Notes
If you allow parents to view medical notes, you will need to go to the 'Notes Categories' tab (in this program) and exclude any categories of notes that you don't want parents to access.
Parents can view the standard notes entered against their child's medical record using Parent Lounge Student Details > Medical Notes.
Illness Tab
Illness Details
Parents can view basic information for their child's Illness Log (sickbay visits) using Parent Lounge Student Details > Illness Details.
When you have finished setting up Parent Lounge access for medical information use the Print button and tick the 'Include Medical Setups flagged for Parent Lounge' option. Check your setups including the medical conditions that you have flagged as being available to parents.
Parent Lounge - Medical Options
Include an 'Email Medical Contact' button in Parent Lounge (in Medical Details) | If this box is ticked, the 'Email Medical Contact' button will appear in Parent Lounge Student Details > Medical Details. This allows the parent to create an email to the Medical Contact email address set up on the 'Medical' tab in this program. |
Send an email notification to parents when a Medical Update is accepted or rejected | If this box is ticked, an email notification will be sent to the parent who submitted the update, when it is accepted or rejected. The email notification will be sent where the parent has been selected for the Communication Type (below) for the student in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'Address and Communication Rules' tab. If the parent who has submitted the update has been defined with a Split Family Access, the email notification will be sent where the addresses selected for this parent is ticked for the Communication Type selected in 'Communication types for Medical Update Notifications' (as set up in TASS.web System Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup on the 'Split Family Access' tab). |
Communication types for Medical Update notifications |
This field must be defined if the field 'Send an email notification to parents when a Medical Update is accepted or rejected' is ticked. Choose the Communication Rule Type to be used when sending the email notification. 'Communication Rules' provide a 'student-centric' way of defining precisely how different areas of your school communicate with parents. They are especially useful for communication with split families and for families with students who have multiple parenting arrangements. For further details, refer to the 'How to Handle Split Family Arrangements' guide. |
Send Medical Update notifications to the other parent for Split Family arrangements | If this box is ticked an email notification will be sent to all parents where:
Trigger Date for Verification | This field can be used to trigger a process where all parents will be required to review and verify that student medical details are up to date. The process will 'trigger' in Parent Lounge Student Details > Medical Details where a student's 'Last Verification Date' is blank or less than the date entered into this field. Once a parent verifies medical details, the 'Last Verification Date' field in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical on the 'Parent Lounge Updates' tab will be updated. A suggested workflow is as follows:
Various programs in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk could be used to generate this communication, including TASS.web Student Admin > Parent records > Processing > Generate/Send SMS Messages or Staff Kiosk Listings > Student Details (Lists/Emails).
Verification Text | Use this field to enter the text that parents will see when clicking the 'Verify' button in Parent Lounge Student Details > Medical Details. An example might be—Select the 'Verify' option and click the 'Submit Verification' button to verify that the medical details for this student are up to date. By submitting, you are confirming that the details [SCHOOL] has on record are true and correct. |