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MER - Parent Lounge Updates Tab


This tab contains an audit log history of each time a parent verifies or updates student medical details using Parent Lounge program Student Details > Medical Details.

The tab will display:

  • A summary of the sections that make up a student's medical record, including Medical Conditions.

  • The date that each section was last updated ('Last Update' column).

  • The date the student's medical record was last verified ('Last Verification Date').

Click the 'View Log' link in the 'Action' column to view the 'Parent Lounge Updates Log' screen and a record of each update or verification that has occurred.

The 'Processed By' column will display the 'Parent Code' of the parent who submitted the change, or the 'Username' of the staff member who processed the change using program Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Updates from Parent Lounge.

Use the 'Print' button to generate an Excel® report of the records displayed. Tick the 'Include full audit details' option to include remote IP details.

A record will be made in the Change Logs Grid whenever information is added, edited or deleted in the General, Medical Conditions, Notes and Confidential Notes tabs. 

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