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How to set up your Extra Curricular Activities


This is a stepped guide to assist with the setup and workflow of Extra Curricular Activities and Groups.

Refer to Extra Curricular for more information.

To set up Extra Curricular for your school you will need permissions granted via TASS.web System Admin > Users.

Click here for more information about User Security Permissions.

TASS.web Security Role Permissions: (View, Add, Edit, Delete)

  • TASS.web > Extra Curricular > Student Activities

  • TASS.web >Extra Curricular > Activity Groups

  • TASS.web >Extra Curricular > Student Activities Grid

  • TASS.web >Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Setup

    • Activity Types tab

    • Activities tab

    • Activity Levels tab

Staff Kiosk Portal Security Permissions (Accessed via Top Menu)

  • Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups

    • Activity Coordinators (Maintain)

    • Activity Sessions (Maintain)

    • Activity Students (Maintain)

    • Activity Teams / Levels (Maintain)

    • Add Extra Curricular Groups

    • Edit Extra Curricular Groups

    • Extra Curricular Group Staff (Maintain)

    • Fixtures (Maintain)

    • Results (Maintain)

    • Rounds (Maintain)

  • Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular

    • Extra Curricular Scheduler

    • Sports Portal

    • Opposition (Setup)

    • Venues (Setup)

    • Payments Report

    • Parameters (Setup)

Setup Checklist





Set Up Your Extra Curricular Structure

When creating or reviewing your Extra Curricular structure, it is important to understand the different 'levels' that are available and map out your school's offerings first.

Click here for an example.

Examples of Extra Curricular structures could be:







Summer Sports


  • A grade

  • B grade

  • C grade

  • Under 16's

  • Under 12's

  • Team Name

  • Session Types

  • Rehearsal

  • Practice

  • Private Coaching

  • Carnival

  • Match

  • Game

  • Performance


Winter Sports



Performing Arts



  • Concert Band

  • Ensembles

  • Troupes





Refer to table below Step 1 for examples of Extra Curricular structure.

TASS also recommends considering what parents will see when signing students up to participate in Activities.

Students are signed up to participate in an Activity, not a specific Activity Team or Level.

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Extra-Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup.

  2. Does your school need to define Business Units?
    Examples of a 'Business Unit' might be Performing Arts vs School Sports vs Aquatics.

The use of Business Units in your structure is optional.

  1. Create your 'Session Types'.
    Examples might be Tryouts, Rehearsal, Tuition, Lesson, Match etc.

  2. Create or review your 'Activity Types'.

If your school has a need to define ‘Business Units’, you will need to map each ‘Activity Type’ to a 'Business Unit'.

  1. Create or review your 'Activities'.

Consider the extra data that you might need to record for each Activity using 'Activity User Defined' fields.
For example, playing positions, prerequisites, and data that you need collect at the time of sign-up.

If payment is required at the time of sign-up (i.e. Pay and play) you will also need to define a GL Account for income and costs using the 'Price' field.

  1. Create or review your 'Activity Levels'.

For more information on setting up your Extra Curricular Structure, see Extra Curricular Setup.



Set Up External Tutors/Coaches & Allocate Permissions

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees.

  2. Create an employee profile for external Tutors and/or Coaches that may not already be in the system.

If your school uses the TASS Payroll module, and external tutors and coaches are paid via other means (e.g. from Accounts Payable), refer to How to Add a HR Record for a Person Who Will Not Be Paid in the Payroll.

  1. Navigate to TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

  2. For Staff Kiosk, create a new 'role' suitable for an external tutor/coach.

  3. Assign the 'Students – Extra Curricular (My)' permission in the 'Student Details Access' section.
    This will restrict access to students (and their data) by the Extra Curricular Groups a person is allocated to as a Tutor/Coach.
    Other permission sections you may want to consider include:

    • Calendar.

    • Extra-Curricular.

    • School Links.

    • Other Permissions (such as Enable SMTP Emails).

    • Rollcall (specifically Custom Rolls).

    • Student (such as basic student and medical information)



Define Your Activities

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Extra-Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups.

  2. Click the 'New' button to create Extra Curricular Groups for each Activity your school is currently offering.

Extra Curricular Activities set up in Step 1 will not be visible in Staff Kiosk, Student Cafe, Parent Lounge until they have been set up as an 'Extra Curricular Group'.

Refer to Adding a New Extra Curricular Group for more information. 



Review and/or Test Parent and/or Student Sign-Up

To test parent sign up in Parent Lounge:

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.

  2. Search for the parent of a student who would be invited to sign-up, based on 'Sign-Up Dates' and the Year Levels you have restricted sign-up to in Step 3.

  3. Use the 'Ghost Logon' function to access a parent's Parent Lounge account.

  4. In Parent Lounge navigate to Student Details > Extra Curricular.

  5. Use the 'Sign-Up' option located in the top right corner of the screen.

To test student sign up in Student Cafe:

  1. Navigate to the Staff Kiosk Toolbar,

  2. Search for a student who would be invited to sign-up, based on 'Sign-Up Dates' and the Year Levels you have restricted sign-up to in Step 3.

  3. Click the ’hamburger menu' and select the 'Ghost Logon' function to access the student's Student Cafe account.

  4. In Student Cafe navigate to My Activities > Extra Curricular

  5.  Use the 'Sign-up Available' button in the top right corner of the screen.  



Group Management

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Extra-Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups.

  2. Click the ’hamburger menu' (in the same row as the Group you wish to modify), then click 'Edit'. 

  3. After sign-up is complete and closed, the Extra Curricular Groups 'List' screen will display students in a Team/Level of 'Unallocated'.   

  4. Click the 'hamburger menu' (in the same row as the Group you wish to modify), then click 'Edit'. 

You can bulk update student Extra Curricular details (i.e. User Defined Data) or allocate students into their respective Teams/Levels using TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Student Activities Grid



Scheduling a session for an Individual Student

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Extra-Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups.

  2. Click the ‘hamburger menu’ (in the same row as the Group you wish to modify), then click 'Students'. 

  3. Use the ‘clock’ icon to open the Extra Curricular Group Schedule.

  4. Select the 'New Student Session' button to create a session (one-off or recurring).

Examples of a session might be a music lesson or afternoon private sports coaching.



Scheduling a session for a Team/Level

Option 1:

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Extra-Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups.

  2. Click the 'hamburger menu' (in the same row as the Group you wish to modify), then click 'Students'. 

  3. Use the ‘clock’ icon to open the Extra Curricular Group Schedule.

  4. Select the 'New Team/Level Session' button to create a team/level session (one-off or recurring).

Option 2:

  1. Navigate to Staff Kiosk Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Scheduler.

  2. Use the 'Student Filters' option to nominate student(s) and the eDiary feeds needed to check calendar conflicts before scheduling a session.

  3. Use the 'Resource' and 'Staff' filters to bring in additional bookings and staff calendar data if required.

  4. Click, or click and drag on a day/time cell to start creating a 'New Session'.

Refer to Scheduling Extra Curricular Sessions for more information.



Attendance and determining students' whereabouts

Each scheduled Extra Curricular session will appear as an 'event' in student eDiaries using the Extra Curricular 'feed'.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Calendar 'feeds' are maintained using Staff Kiosk Calendar > Calendar Feeds (Setup).

When marking Class Rollcall, an ‘orange’ icon will appear when a student has a conflict with the current class and:

  • A teacher assigned calendar event.

  • A scheduled Extra Curricular session.

Hover over this icon to display a pop-up that will outline the details of the conflicting event/session in the student's eDiary.

To create an attendance roll for your scheduled sessions, refer to Marking Attendance for an Extra Curricular Group.

To mark your attendance roll, navigate to Staff Kiosk Rollcall > Custom Roll, then click the ‘checkboard’ icon.  Refer to Marking a Custom Roll for more information.


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