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Allocating Tutors/Coaches to Extra Curricular Groups (SK EC)

Select the Hamburger menu in the 'Action' column of an Extra Curricular Group, and then 'Staff' to allocate a staff member to an Extra Curricular Group.

This could be the coach of a specific team or the music tutor for a specific group of students.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Two security permissions control the students that employees, external tutors and coaches have access to when using Staff Kiosk:

  1. Students — All

  2. Students — Extra Curricular (My)

The 'Students — Extra Curricular (My)' security permission will restrict access to students based on the Extra Curricular Groups they have been allocated, as either a coach, tutor or coordinator.

For example, an external Hockey Coach may only have access to programs where student details can be accessed, such as:

  • Extra Curricular Groups.

  • Extra Curricular Schedule.

  • Student Profile (for things such as Medical).

In addition to being able to access these programs, the 'Students — Extra Curricular (My)' security permission will mean, when using these programs, the external Hockey Coach will only to be able to see (and use) the students allocated to the groups/teams they coach.

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