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Maintaining Extra Curricular Group Teams/Levels (SK EC)

Select the Hamburger menu in the 'Action' column of an Extra Curricular Group, and then 'Students' to maintain the Teams/Levels students are allocated to.


Use the 'Teams/Levels' button to add or remove additional teams/levels from the list displayed.

'Unallocated' refers to students who have been added to an Extra Curricular Group but not yet allocated to a Team/Level.

UD Fields

Use the 'UD Fields' button to add student User Definable data as additional columns in the list displayed.
An example of this being used might be after tryouts when all students are currently assigned to the 'Unallocated' group. As coaches/tutors make their decisions on which team/level each student will be allocated to, the User Definable field for 'Preferred Playing Position' can be added to assist with decision making.

Click here for an Administrator Note.
Activity-based user-definable fields are created and maintained in TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activities' tab.

All data entered into the UD fields is visible to Parents in Parent Lounge Extra Curricular. 

+Add Student

Use the 'Add Student' button to add additional students into a team/level on-the-fly.

A student can participate in the same Extra Curricular Group across multiple teams if required.

To change the Team/Level for an individual student, hover-over a student's current Team/Level to display and select from a picklist of options available for this Extra Curricular Activity.

To change the status of multiple students:

  1. Use the checkboxes displayed next to each student's current Team/Level, to nominate the students whose Team/Level will be updated


Tick the checkbox in the 'Activity Level' column heading to select all students displayed.

  1.  Hover over the 'Activity Level' column heading to display the picklist of options available for this EC Activity.

  2. Select the new Team/Level for the students selected.

For each student:

  • Use the 'pencil' icon to access the Extra Curricular Activity — Student Details' screen. From this screen you can:

    • Update User Defined Data.

    • Update a Student's Team/Level.

    • Enter a Comment. 

Click here for more information

You may enter up to 250 characters in the Comments field.

The comments that are entered here for this student's activity can be optionally printed on:

  • Extra curricular certificates using program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Listings/Reports/Merges > Student EC Certificates.

  • Student academic reports using program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports.> 'Other Options' tab > Extra Curricular Options. 

For Comments to print Student Reports and EC certificates the 'Print on EC Certificates' and/or 'Print on Academic Report' checkboxes will need to be ticked in TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity' tab.

Extra Curricular comments for Academic Reports and Student EC Certificates can also be updated in TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Activities.

Note that once a student has been accepted/assigned to an Activity Group, the Comments entered may be visible in Parent Lounge Extra Curricular.  Refer to How to Setup and Implement Parent Lounge for more information. 

  • Use the 'clock' icon to schedule a one-on-one or team/level session, i.e. Practice or tuition.

  • Use the 'rubbish bin' icon to remove a student from this EC Group.

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