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Extra Curricular Scheduler (SK EC)


This program is used to schedule:

  • One-on-one Extra Curricular sessions with an individual student, e.g. A private music lesson or tutoring.

  • Extra Curricular Sessions for an Extra Curricular Group, e.g. Dance rehearsals or afternoon training practices for a hockey team.

  • Fixtures for an Extra Curricular Group, e.g. A weekend game/match against a neighbouring school.

Refer to Scheduling Extra Curricular Sessions and Fixtures for more information.

Student, Resource and Staff Calendar Filters

When scheduling sessions, additional Calendars can be displayed to assist you with finding the most appropriate time to schedule a Session (i.e. avoiding clashes with other events and happenings occurring around the school) including:

  • Student eDiaries (use the ‘Student Filters’ option).

The 'Student Search' will allow you to display the eDiary of multiple students.

Refer to Calendar Feeds (Setup) for more information.

  • Staff eDiaries (use the 'Staff Filters' option).

The 'Staff Member' search field will allow you to display the eDiary of multiple employees.

Refer to Calendar Feeds (Setup) for more information.

  • Resource Bookings (use the 'Resource Filters' option).

The 'Resource' search field will allow you to display the eDiary of multiple employees.

Refer to Resource Booking System for more information.

Create a New Session

To create a new Session you can either:

  • Click on the date and start time for your Session to display the 'New Session' popup. Click the 'New Team/Level Session' button to display the 'Extra Curricular Activity Session' screen, or

  • Click on the ‘Create’ button in the top left corner of the screen.

To nominate a time range for your session, click and drag your mouse down over multiple time cells.

Refer to Scheduling Extra Curricular Sessions and Fixtures for more information.

Related Resources

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