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Activity Planner - Activity Assessment Screen


The Activity Assessment Screen allows you to:

  • View the Students who are assigned to the selected Activity.

  • Print a listing of Students who are assigned to the selected Activity.

  • Review and edit the Activity material created by Teachers.

  • Attach an assessment rubric for the Activity.

  • Change dates on the Activity.

  • Grant Extensions (to a group of students).

  • Add additional students to the Activity.

  • Transfer responsibility for the Activity to another Teacher.

  • Send Notifications to Students or Parents when:

    • A student has failed to submit the Activity.

    • A student has achieved a designated Final Grade for an Activity.

  • Access the 'Class Analysis Grid'.

  • Unassign the Activity.

  • Define the Calculation Rule used to calculate the 'Activity Total Score'.

  • Change the Activity status for students (including marking a student as absent from an Activity).

  • Flag non-file submission Activities as being completed by students.

  • Change the flag that determines if parents can see the Activity in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit.

  • View or print an 'Activity Assessment Grid' showing the status of all Activities for all students in the class.

  • View all ‘Activity Assessment Files’ submitted by Students. Check for Word Count and Plagiarism and Add Annotations.

  • Download a copy of all Activity Assessment Files ‘Drafts’ or 'Finals'.

From the Activity Assessment Screen, you can click the ‘Assess’ link, which will take you to the Assess Student Screen where you can:

  • View and download Activity files that a student has uploaded via Student Café.

  • Upload an Activity file on the student's behalf.

  • Mark the Rubric for the Activity using Annotations.

  • Provide feedback to students on Drafts and Final submissions using Comments or Annotations.

  • Upload Annotated Activity Feedback to Student Café, Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit.

  • Review and enter Comments for the Activity

    • Comments that are displayed in Student Café, Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit, and

    • Comments that are only visible to the Teacher.

  • Review and enter raw score Results for assessable Activities (that use Assessment Criteria Objectives or Standalone Criteria).

  • Calculate the 'Activity Total Score'.

  • Change the Activity status for students (including marking a student as absent from an Activity).

  • Remove a student from the Activity.

  • Grant Extensions (to a single student).

Columns Displayed

Columns that require further explanation:

Student Name

This column displays the student’s Surname, Preferred Name.

Hover over the students’s names to see Surname, First Name, Other Name.

Draft Date

This column will only appear for Activities that require students to submit a draft.

Due Date

This is the due date for the students to complete the Activity by.


For file submission Activities this is the date that the student submitted his/her final work.

For non-file submission Activities, this is the date that:

  • You indicated that the student completed the Activity or

  • The student indicated that he/she had completed the Activity in Student Café.

Final Grade

This is the grade for the Activity that becomes visible to students in Student Café and parents in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The Assessment Criteria Objective that is used throughout the system for Activity 'Final Grade' is mapped using Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup).

Setting up a 'Final Grade' on an Activity is optional.

Activity Total Score

This column will be displayed instead of the 'Final Grade' column (above) if you nominated to 'Calculate Activity Total Score' when creating this Activity.

The grade that is displayed here, will be a calculation based on the individual criteria used to mark this Activity.

An example of a typical calculation might be:

Criteria 1

Criteria 2

Criteria 3

Total Score






Calculation Rule




12/3 = 4

For more information, refer to the 'Activity Total Score Calculation Rules' section below.

Activity Status

This column will display the status (or progress) of each student for this Activity.

It can also be used to update students' 'Activity Status' individually, or in bulk.

To change the 'Activity Status' for an individual student:

  1. Hover over the student's current 'Activity Status' to display a picklist of options available for this Activity.

  2. Select the new 'Activity Status' for this student.

To change the status of multiple students:

  1. Use the checkboxes next to each student's current status (in the 'Activity Status' column) to select the students that you wish to update.

    Tick the checkbox in the 'Activity Status' column heading to select all students displayed.

  2. When one or more students are selected, the 'Activity Status' column heading will change to an 'Update Status' picklist.
    Hover over the 'Update Status' column heading to display a picklist of status options available for this Activity.

  3. Select the new 'Activity Status' for the students selected.

For details on all of the Activity Statuses and associated workflows click here.

The status of an Activity can be:

  • Determined by the system based on:

    • The Activity Type (file submission, non-file submission or online test).

    • The student's progress (level of action) for the Activity.

    • Whether the Activity has been marked.

  • Updated by the teacher individually or in bulk.

This section of the online help will outline the possible statuses:

1. The following statuses will be available where the teacher has indicated that a 'Draft' is required to be submitted by students:


Status Description

Teacher assigns Activity with draft

Not Submitted (Draft)

Student submits draft

Submitted (Draft)

Teacher requests re-submit of draft

Resubmit (Draft)

Student resubmits draft

Resubmitted (Draft)

Teacher requests final

Not Submitted (Final)

Student submits final

Submitted (Final)

Teacher requests re-submit of final

Resubmit (Final)

Student resubmits final

Resubmitted (Final)

Teacher marks Activity


2. The following statuses will be available for File Submission Activities where a 'Draft' is not required to be submitted by students:


Status Description

Teacher assigns Activity

Not Submitted (Final)

Student submits final

Submitted (Final)

Teacher requests re-submit of final

Resubmit (Final)

Student resubmits final

Resubmitted (Final)

Teacher marks Activity (assessable Activities only)


3. The following statuses will be available for Non-File Submission type Activities where a 'Draft' is not required to be submitted by students:


Status Description

Teacher assigns Activity

Not Completed

Student marks as completed (non-assessable Activities only)

Teacher marks as completed (assessable and non-assessable Activities)


Teacher marks Activity (assessable Activities only)


4. The following statuses will be available for Online Test Activities:


Status Description

Teacher assigns Activity

Not Submitted

Student submits


Teacher requests resubmit


Student resubmits


Teacher marks Activity


5. The following statuses can apply to all Activity Types:


Status Description

Teacher marks student as being absent for this Activity


Teacher marks the student as being exempt for this Activity

Exempt Status descriptions are maintained in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Exempt Activity Status (Setup).

The 'Activity Status' will display in red if the date and time for the action have passed.


There are 2 columns (between the 'Activity Status' and the 'Action' columns) that will display a 'speech bubble' icon when a comment has been entered against a student's Activity.

Click here for information on Comments.

Two types of comments can be added as a notation to a student's performance on an Activity:

  1. Comment for Student.

  2. Teacher Comment.

Comment for Student

A comment entered in this section of the screen will be visible to students in Student Café and parents in Parent Lounge (if you have nominated that this Activity is to be visible to parents).

Students will be able to view these comments in Student Café based on the following:

  • For ‘Non-Assessable’ ‘File Submission' Activities, the comment will be visible to students (and parents where applicable) once the 'Due Date' has passed.

Tick the 'Show comment in Student Café immediately' checkbox at the bottom of the 'Assess Student' screen to display a student's comment and 'Final Feedback' file in Student Café before the 'Due Date'.

  • For 'Standalone' and 'Assessment Criteria' 'type Activities, the comment will be visible once the 'Due Date/Time' or 'Delay Date/Time' (where applicable) has passed and the Activity has reached an 'Activity Status' of 'Assessed'.

Teacher Comment

A comment entered in this section of the screen is for your reference. It will not be displayed to students or parents.

‘Teacher Comments’ can only be viewed by the Teachers who wrote them, Heads of Department, Department Administrators, and users with the TASS.web Portal Security Permission to view all Assessment Activities. 

You can use comments from the school's comment bank or your own personal comment bank.

For more information on 'Comment Banks', refer to Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Comments' tab.

When the ‘Format Comments’ icon is clicked, student names will as per the ‘NAME keyword substitution format' setting in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Reporting Parameters’ tab.

Hover over the top of these icons to view the 'Comment for Student' or the 'Teacher Comment'.


A 'bar chart' symbol will display when Progressive Assessment Analytics are available for the Student and have been generated for the Activity.

Hover over the bar chart to review Analytics for each student.

For each student, potential analytics include the result, average and rank for each Objective (including the Activity Total Score if enabled for the activity).

The date and time the Analytics were run will be displayed next to the 'Activity Name' in the top left corner of the screen.

If the Activity has been set for all subject classes, you can change the statistics from a single class perspective to a cohort perspective.

This option is only available when Progressive Assessment analytics have been generated for this Activity.

Analytics can be generated by the HOD or Department Administrator in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner. Hover over the ‘Graph’ icon and click 'Generate'.  Refer to the 'Columns Displayed' section of the Activity Planner article for more information. 

Click here for information on Progressive Assessment Analytics.

Progressive Assessment analytics can be generated by HODs and Department Administrators using Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner.

When generated, they become visible to teachers in the Staff Kiosk program Assessment. 

They can also become visible in Parent Lounge or Student Café.

The flags that determine whether Progressive Assessment analytics are visible in Student Café and Parent Lounge are maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Analytics' tab.


A student who has a 'Comparative Reporting' flag set to 'Exclude' in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General' tab, will not be included in analytics calculations.

A student who has a 'Comparative Reporting' flag set to 'Don't Include' in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General' tab, will be included in analytics calculations but these statistics will not be available in Parent Lounge or Student Café.


Use the 'Assess' link to access an individual 'Assess Student' screen.

Click here for an example of an 'Assess Student screen' for a file submission Activity.

Click here for an example of an 'Assess Student screen' for an Online Test Activity.

Click here for an example of an 'Assess Student screen' for a non-file submission Activity.

If the Activity contains Assessment Criteria Objectives and was assigned in a previous reporting period, editing is not allowed. A 'View' link will be displayed.

Activity Assessment Screen Buttons

Show All Classes

This checkbox will only appear when an Activity has been subject-based assigned.

For example, English Year 11 comprises three classes: A, B, and C, and the Activity was assigned to all three classes at the same time.

This checkbox is only available to HODs and Department Administrators.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

A Department HOD and Department Administrators are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Depts' tab.

Select the ‘Show All Classes’ checkbox to display all students across all classes to which this Activity has been assigned.


This button will only appear for file submission Activities.

Click this button to create a .zip file containing:

  • 'Student Draft' files (where the Activity has been set up to require a draft from students).

  • 'Student Final' files.

Hover over the 'Download Drafts' or 'Download Finals' options to view how many submissions are available to download.

Each student file in the .zip file will be labelled with the 'Student Code' and 'Student Name'.

For example, CLAR002 – Clark, Andy – Draft.docx or CLAR002 – Clark, Andy – Final.docx.

Each time you use the 'Download' options it will create a new .zip file.


Activity Assessment Grid

This option will be active for Activities with Assessment Criteria Objectives.

It provides you with a tool to:

  • Enter raw scores (grades) for the class.

  • Enter raw scores for the cohort where the option 'Show all Classes' has been selected.

  • Calculate an Activity Total Score.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Details on setting up Objectives are available in the Online Help for:

To enter each individual raw scores (grades) for students, use the dropdown lists or enter the score directly.

Alternatively, you can enter the first score in a column and use the fill down option/'down arrow' icon. Then go back and make changes for individual students within the column.

Once all results have been entered, click the 'Calculate Activity Total Score' button to calculate a total score for each student based on the results for each 'Assessment Criteria'.

An example of a typical calculation might be:

Criteria 1

Criteria 2

Criteria 3

Total Score






Calculation Rule




12/3 = 4

To calculate an 'Activity Total Score' a calculation rule must first be applied. Use the 'Calculation Rule' button to do this

For more information, refer to section 'Activity Total Score Calculation Rules' below.

Entering Comments

Click here for information on Comments.

Two types of comments can be added as a notation to a student's performance on an Activity:

  1. Comment for Student.

  2. Teacher Comment.

Comment for Student

A comment entered in this section of the screen will be visible to students in Student Café and parents in Parent Lounge (if you have nominated that this Activity is to be visible to parents).

Students will be able to view these comments in Student Café based on the following:

  • For ‘Non-Assessable’ ‘File Submission' Activities, the comment will be visible to students (and parents where applicable) once the 'Due Date' has passed.

Tick the 'Show comment in Student Café immediately' checkbox at the bottom of the 'Assess Student' screen to display a student's comment and 'Final Feedback' file in Student Café before the 'Due Date'.

  • For 'Standalone' and 'Assessment Criteria' 'type Activities, the comment will be visible once the 'Due Date/Time' or 'Delay Date/Time' (where applicable) has passed and the Activity has reached an 'Activity Status' of 'Assessed'.

Teacher Comment

A comment entered in this section of the screen is for your reference. It will not be displayed to students or parents.

‘Teacher Comments’ can only be viewed by the Teachers who wrote them, Heads of Department, Department Administrators, and users with the TASS.web Portal Security Permission to view all Assessment Activities. 

You can use comments from the school's comment bank or your own personal comment bank.

For more information on 'Comment Banks', refer to Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Comments' tab.

When the ‘Format Comments’ icon is clicked, student names will as per the ‘NAME keyword substitution format' setting in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Reporting Parameters’ tab.

To enter a comment, hover over the 'speech bubble' icon and click inside the box. When you are finished typing, use the tab key or click outside the comment box.


You can also use this section of the screen to attach a feedback file which then becomes visible to the student in Student Café and optionally to parents in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit.

Two options are available to attach a file to this Activity:

  • Drag-and-drop a file from your computer.

  • Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Raw scores (grades) are not automatically saved to the database. It is strongly recommended that you save your 'Assessment Grid' regularly.

If you make a mess, use the 'Restore' button to undo your changes. Unsaved data will be lost.

  • The data will be restored back to the last 'Save'.

  • If you have not yet saved, the data will be restored back to the way it was when you loaded the Grid.

You can create a PDF document, Excel file or Word document of your 'Assessment Grid' by clicking on the 'Print' button.

Activity Assessment Files

This option will be active for 'File Submission' type Activities.

It provides a tool to simultaneously display, review and provide feedback using annotation on the files that have been submitted by students for this Activity.

To view all activity files for the cohort, tick the 'Show all Classes' first before loading the grid.

Filter the activity files displayed using the 'Submission Type' option at the top of the grid.

For each file displayed, you can:

  • Open or Delete files.

  • Identify work that has been submitted late.

  • Review Plagiarism Scores and check Word Counts.

  • Use Annotation tools to provide feedback.

  • Edit annotations on assessed student rubrics.

Click here for more information on annotation.

You can create a PDF document, Excel file or Word document report of your Activity Files Grid by clicking on the 'Print' button.


You can produce a report with details for each student displayed in the 'Activity Assessment' screen including:

  • 'Dates'.

  • 'Status'.

  • 'Final grade'.

Sort By

Sort the order in which the records are displayed by nominating your preference:

  • 'Student Code'.

  • 'Student name'.

  • 'PC/Tutor Group'.

  • 'Class' (where the option 'Show all Classes' has been selected).

  • 'Date Completed'.

  • 'Activity Status'.

Formatting Options

The 'Formatting Options' panel allows you to choose the destination of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

The dropdown list allows you to determine whether the report will display the students' 'Given Name', 'Preferred Name' or 'Both'.

Select the 'GO' button to generate the report.

Hamburger Menu

Use the 'hamburger menu' button to perform the following functions for this Activity:

  • Change Dates.

  • Group Extension.

  • Add Extra Students.

  • Edit Activity.

  • Transfer Activity (to another teacher).

  • Notify.

  • Class Analysis Grid.

  • Unassign Activity.

  • View Class Analytics.

  • Activity Total Score Calc Rule

Change Dates

Use this button to:

  • Change the 'Preview Date', 'Start Date', 'Draft Date' (if applicable), 'Due Date' and 'Delay Date' for this Activity.

  • Change the flag that determines whether parents can see the Activity in Parent Lounge program Student Details > Curricular Activities.

  • Change the 'Allow Late Submissions' flag.

Subject Based Activities

If this Activity has been subject-based assigned, the 'Change Dates' program will allow you to modify Activity dates for each subject class the Activity has been assigned to.

For example, English Year 11 comprises of three classes; A, B and C and the Activity has been assigned to all three classes.

To do this, the 'Show All Classes' option must be selected in the previous screen first before opening the 'Change Dates' program.

You can:

  • Update Activity dates and flags for the first class and copy the details to the remaining classes using the 'Copy to all classes' button, or

  • Update each subject classes Activity dates and flags individually. Use the 'plus symbol' icon to expand the screen and see the additional subject classes and corresponding date fields.

Fields that require further explanation

Display in Parent Lounge

Use this field to indicate if parents will be able to see this Activity in Parent Lounge program Student Details > Curricular Activities.

The ‘Display in Parent Lounge’ checkbox only controls the visibility of the Activity in Parent Lounge Student Details > Curricular Activities program. When the ‘Display in Parent Lounge’ checkbox is unticked, the Activity information will still be available in the 'My Assessments' Calendar Feed within the Parent Lounge Calendar > eDiary program.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The ability to view this information in Parent Lounge program Student Details > Curricular Activities is controlled by the 'Curricular Activities' user permission in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Parent Lounge.

The ability to view the Parent Lounge program Calendar > eDiary program is controlled by the 'eDiary' user permission in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Parent Lounge.

Allow Late Submissions

This field is only active when the 'Are students required to submit a file' is set to 'Yes' for the Activity.

By default, this will be ticked, and students will be allowed to submit this Activity in Student Café past the designated due date and time.

Untick this to disallow late submissions of this Activity by students.

Students will receive the following message when they submit their work late: 'The Due date has passed, and your work will be flagged as Late.'

When you access the student's Activity via Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen. and click the 'Assess' button in the 'Action' column, a 'red alert' symbol will be displayed indicating that the student file was submitted late.

When a parent accesses the student's Activity via Parent Lounge program Student Details > Curricular Activities and clicks the active link on the 'Activity Name', a 'red alert' symbol will be displayed indicating that the student file was submitted late.

Preview Date and Time

This is the date and time that basic details relating to this Activity will be displayed to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge.

From this date and time until the 'Start Date' and 'Start Time' (that you enter directly below), the following Activity details will be available to students and (optionally) parents:

  • 'Start Date'.

  • 'Due Date'.

  • 'Subject'.

  • 'Teacher'.

  • 'Activity Name'.

Basic details for this Activity will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.

Start Date and Time

This is the date and time that basic details relating to this Activity will be displayed to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge.

From this date and time until the 'Start Date' and 'Start Time' (that you enter directly below), the following Activity details will be available to students and (optionally) parents:

  • 'Start Date'.

  • 'Due Date'.

  • 'Subject'.

  • 'Teacher'.

  • 'Activity Name'.

Basic details for this Activity will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.

Draft Required

Tick this checkbox if you require students to submit a draft for this Activity.

Draft date and time

If you ticked the 'Draft Required' checkbox directly above, you must enter the date and time that students must submit a draft copy for this Activity.

OR select Draft Date by timetable lesson

An alternative to entering a draft date and time (above) is to have the system calculate them based on an upcoming lesson.

Use the drop-down list to select the lesson by which the students must complete the draft for this Activity, and the program will automatically calculate the date and time.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

To determine the periods that are available for the teachers to choose from, the program uses:

  • The 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and the 'Year Group' of the Subject Class.

  • Then the corresponding Timetable in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Year/TT Definitions' tab.

Due Date and Time

This is the date and time that students must submit a final copy of this Activity.

If this is a 'File Submission' Activity, students will not be able to use Student Café to submit a file after this date and time (unless late submissions have been allowed).

An 'Activity Due' reminder will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.

OR select Due Date by timetable lesson

An alternative to entering a due date and time (above) is to have the system calculate them based on an upcoming lesson.

Use the drop-down list to select the lesson by which the students must complete the Activity, and the program will automatically calculate the date and time.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

To determine the periods that are available for the teachers to choose from, the program uses:

  • The 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and the 'Year Group' of the Subject Class.

  • Then the corresponding Timetable in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Year/TT Definitions' tab.

Delay Results

By default, at the time that you enter results and comments against each student's completed work, they will be visible to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge.

Use this field to nominate the same delayed date and time that all students in the class will be able to see their results and comments for this Activity.

For example, the Activity is due on Tuesday, and the results will be available on Friday, giving you a few days to complete marking for the entire class.

Delay Date and Time

This is the date and time that results and comments for this Activity will be visible to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge.

Click the 'Save' button to apply the changed dates to the Activity.

Group Extension

You would use this instead of the 'Change Dates' button in situations where:

  • The date change (extension) is not for the entire class, or

  • You want the date change (extension) highlighted to students and parents (extension dates are displayed in orange in Student Café and Parent Lounge with a hover-over).

An alternative to manually entering an extended due date and time is to have the system calculate it based on an upcoming lesson. Use the drop-down list to select the lesson that students' must complete this Activity by and the program will automatically calculate the date and time for you.

Click here to view an Administrator Note..

To determine the periods that are available for the teachers to choose from, the program uses:

  • The 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and the 'Year Group' of the Subject Class.

  • Then the corresponding Timetable in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Year/TT Definitions' tab.

You can also use this screen to cancel existing extensions.

The program will alert you to any students who already have extensions granted for this Activity. Click 'View' to display the students and the extension dates.

Extensions cannot be granted to students who have already completed the Activity.

The 'Group Extension' option is not available when the 'Show all Classes' option has been selected.

Add Extra Students

The most likely use for this is to assign this Activity to a new student in your class.

If the Activity contains Assessment Criteria Objectives, then only students who belong to this class and who do not already have the Activity assigned to them will be available in the 'Choose from these Students' column.

If the Activity contains a standalone assessment or is not assessable, then use the filters to select the additional student(s) to add to this Activity.

The 'Add Extra Students' option is not available when the 'Show all Classes' option has been selected.

Edit Activity

Use this button to edit the details of an assigned Activity.

The 'Edit Assigned Activity' screen will allow you to:arning

  • Edit the 'Activity Name'

  • Edit the 'Activity Outline'

  • Update or remove Resources already attached to the Activity.

  • Add new Resources to the Activity.

  • Edit the 'Weighting' applied to Assessment Criteria Objectives.

  • Edit the 'Max Score' applied to Assessment Criteria Objectives.

  • Add and remove Assessment Criteria Objectives.

Optionally, update the original Activity record in the Learning Object Repository with your changes (excluding Resources).

The 'Edit' button is not available for standalone assessment Activities.

Subject Based Activities

If an Activity has been subject-based assigned, the 'Edit' button will only be available to HODs and Department Administrators.

For example, English Year 11 comprises of three classes; A, B and C and the Activity has been assigned to all three classes

When editing an Activity that has been subject-based assigned, you will be editing the Activity details for ALL classes the Activity has been assigned to. A warning will be displayed at the bottom of the screen 'This Activity has been assigned to multiple subject classes. By editing this Activity, you will be editing the details for all classes'.

Click the 'View Classes' link to see which classes the Activity has been assigned to and will be affected by any changes.

Click here for an Administrator Note

A Department HOD and Department Administrators are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Depts' tab.

Fields that are potentially editable

*Activity Name

Use this field to edit the Activity Name.

*Activity Outline or Instructions

Use this field to edit the outline or instructions for the Activity.

Attach Existing Resources

This field will display any Resources that are attached to the assigned Activity.

To remove a Resource, click the cross next to the Resource name.

There are 2 ways that you can attach existing Resources in the Learning Object Repository to this assigned Activity:

  1. One at a time.
    By typing directly into the 'Use Existing Resources' field.
    As soon as the third character is entered a list of possible Resources will be displayed.

    You can keep typing to further refine your search or click on a Resource from the list to attach it to the assigned Activity.
    Filtering is based on the resource name and resource description.

  2. In bulk.
    By clicking the 'magnifying glass' icon and using the 'Resource Search'.

Attach New Resources

Use this field to:

  • Create new Resources on the fly.

  • Attach new Resources to this Activity.

There are 2 ways that you can attach a new Resource to this Activity:

  1. Drag-and-drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Any file that you attach using this field will be saved as a Resource in the Learning Objects Repository under the same 'Subject Area', 'Year Group' and 'Topic' as this Activity.

Attach Existing Rubric

This field will display the existing Rubric that is attached to the Activity.

Click the ‘magnifying glass’ icon to search for and select existing Rubics.

Attach New Rubric

Use this field to attach a new Rubric to the Activity.

There are 2 ways that you can attach a new Rubric to this Activity:

  1. Drag-and-drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Display on Academic Report?

Tick this checkbox to display the Activity on Academic Reports.

Calculate Activity Total Score?

Tick this checkbox to allow the Activity Total Score to be calculated.

Assessment Criteria

Providing that there are no results entered for an Objective, you can:

  • Remove an Objective from the Activity.

  • Change the Maximum Result.

  • Change the Weighting.

You can also add additional Objectives to the Activity.

Click here for further information on these fields.

Update original Activity record in the Learning Object Repository

Tick this box to apply your changes to the original Activity record that resides in the Learning Object Repository.

This does not include any new Resources that you attach.

Only the Owner of the original Activity (in the Learning Object Repository) will have access to this field.

Transfer Activity (To Another Teacher)

Use this button to transfer the responsibility of this Activity to another teacher.

The teachers who will be available in the drop-down list for you to transfer the Activity to, depend on whether the Activity contains Assessment Criteria Objectives.

If there are no Assessment Criteria Objectives in the Activity, then all teachers will be available.

If there are Assessment Criteria Objectives in the Activity, then only teachers who are set up to take this subject class (teachers who you team-teach with you) will be available.

The 'Transfer Activity' option is not available when the 'Show all Classes' option has been selected.


This button is used to:

  • Notify parents via email or create a Word® Merge File when a student has not submitted an Activity or have been granted an extension.

  • Notify parents via email or create a Word® Merge File when a student has achieved a designated Final Grade for an Activity.

  • Notify students via email when they have achieved a designated Final Grade for an Activity.

  • Notify students via email when they have not submitted an Activity or have been granted an extension. 

By not selecting an 'Activity Status' or 'Final Grade' filter you can also use this program as a general notification tool.

The 'Notify' option is not available when the 'Show all Classes' option has been selected.

Notify Options

Use this section of the screen to nominate whether this notification goes to parents or students.

Send to Parent

If this option is selected, the program will use the address information from the parent record.

For more information, refer to section 'Formatting Options (Parents Only)' above.

Send to Student (email only)

If this option is selected the program uses the email address from the student record.

Filter By

You can select the students to be included in this notification based on one or more 'Activity Status' or 'Final Grades'.

Hold down the 'Ctrl' key whilst making selections to select more than one field.

Only the 'Activity Statuses' and 'Final Grades' currently applied to students in this activity will be available for selection.

Formatting Options (Parents Only)

The parent address(es) used for each student is determined by the 'Communication Rules' set up on the student's records.

Click here to view an Administrator Note..

This program will use the 'Staff Corr' (Staff Kiosk Correspondence) rules that are set up for each student, to determine which parent will be included in the correspondence.

A warning will appear at the top of the screen to alert you of any students who don't have a 'Communication Rule' setup for 'TK Corr' (Staff Kiosk Correspondence) and therefore will not be included in your correspondence. Click the 'Details…' link to find out who those students are.

Additional Fields (Word Merge only)

These are only relevant if you select the 'Word Merge File' option below. Select the field to include in the merge by highlighting it with a mouse click.

Hold down the 'Ctrl' key whilst making selections to search on more than one field.


Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to create your merge or email:


Click here for further information.

Word Merge File

You can use this to prepare a Word Merge File (and a subsequent letter) to all parents.

However, the most likely scenario for using this would be where you want to create an email for the parents who have valid email addresses and a Word Merge for the rest.

To achieve this tick the 'Exclude parents with email address' box and click the 'Word Merge File' Button. This will create a .txt file for parents that don't have an email address.

Then click the 'Email' button and use the SMTP function to send emails to the rest.

Click here to for more on Word Merge Files.

Word Merge

Word Merge export files are produced from various TASS.web or Staff Kiosk programs to extract a set of merge field codes and students/parents/employees details in a format required to insert into a Word Merge document.
Word Merge documents can be used for two purposes:

  1. To produce a personalised document for each recipient containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: School enrolment letters are printed for all incoming families. Each letter includes data extracted from TASS.web and is personalised for each recipient, such as the student and parent names and addresses, entry year group etc.

  2. To attach to an Email Template A PDF is attached as each email is sent containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: Attendance emails to parents regarding their child's attendance. A PDF attachment is generated and attached at the time of sending the emails, personalised for each recipient.

  • The PDF Conversion API is required to attach Word Merge Files to Email Templates.

  • Word Merge documents can be attached to the following Email Template categories:  Attendance, Enrolment, Immunisation Register, Parent Accounts, Parent Lounge Licences, Pastoral Care, Student Immunisations, Student Records, and Transfer Notes (WA).

Create a Word Merge document:

  1. Generate the Word Merge export file.
    Use the selection criteria from the appropriate program to produce a file that includes the desired merge fields headings and recipient details.
    Select the 'Word Merge file' export button, usually found on the Print tab. If no word merge button exists, use the Excel export option and save as a csv file.

A PDF report entitled 'Students with no Communication Rules' will display if there are issues with your selection. These must be fixed before the export can be processed.

  1. Create your Word Merge document.
    Follow the steps in Word using the Mailings > Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard. Select the word merge export file generated above, and insert merge fields into the document wherever the personalised data will be populated. Preview the document but do not select 'Complete the merge'.
    Save the document. Print if desired.

  2. To attach the Word Merge file to an Email Template:
    Create an email template and attach the Word Merge document created above.
    TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings.

Class Analysis Grid

Use this button to produce a grid-style display or printout of students' statuses or final grades for all Activities that have been assigned to this subject class.

This is an example of the 'Class Analysis Grid' screen:

Options available to you from this screen:

  1. Hover over 'Act #' for a description of the Activity, or click on the click on‘Act #’ to be redirected to the Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen.

  2. The codes indicating each student's status for an Activity are displayed in Italics. Hover over the code for the description of the status.

  3. If a Final Grade Objective has been defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and a result has been entered for this Objective for the Activity, the Final Grade will be displayed instead of the status.

  4. If a Teacher Comment has been entered for a student on an Activity, a 'speech bubble' symbol will be displayed. Hover over this to read the comment.

  5. Click on any status code or Final Grade to access the 'Assess Student' screen for that Activity.

  6. Click on a student’s name to access a grid with only that student's Activities.

  7. Click on the 'Print' button to produce a PDF, Excel® or Word® file containing details from your 'Analysis Grid'. The Excel® option allows you to include comments that were entered for the students.

Unassign Activity

You would use this to un-assign this Activity for all students. 

Examples might include:

  • You have accidentally assigned the wrong Activity.

  • It is a non-assessable Activity that has been completed and you want to remove it from the student's view in Student Café.

Un-assigning an Activity will remove all grades and student-submitted files.

If you have selected the 'Show all Classes' option, the Activity will be un-assigned from ALL students in ALL classes this Activity has been assigned to.

Activity Total Score Calc Rule

This option is only available if you nominated to 'Calculate Activity Total Score' when creating this Activity.

If you forgot, you can still switch this on using Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen and the 'Edit Activity' option in the hamburger menu.

To calculate a total score for an Activity, the system needs details on how to calculate it.

A typical example might be:

Criteria 1

Criteria 2

Criteria 3

Total Score






Calculation Rule




12/3 = 4

The 'Activity Total Score Calc Rule' screen displays the rules your school has set up for you to use.

Click here for an Administrator Note on setting up School Calculation Rules.

The school 'Calculation Rules' available to the teachers are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup.   School Calculation Rules can also be modified in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Assessment Setup.

An example of a common non-numeric 'Calculation Rule' follows:

Student Grade

Numeric value































In addition to the calculation rule there are 2 ways that the total score can be calculated:

Calculate Activity Total Score using weighted Activity Raw Scores

A typical example might be:

Criteria 1

Criteria 2

Criteria 3

Total Score









Calculation Rule Translation




Apply Weightings

x 0.6

5 x 0.2

5 x 0.2

Final Calculated Result





Rounded and Converted

4 = B

Calculate Activity Total Score using addition (ignores Weightings)

This option is only available when the Activity is being marked using a Numeric Range.

To calculate the total score the system will:

  • Add up the maximum result for each Assessment Criteria.

  • Add up the result for each Assessment Criteria.

A typical example might be:

Criteria 1

Criteria 2

Criteria 3

Total Score






Maximum Result




Select a Rule, then click the 'Allocate' button to apply the rule and method of calculating the 'Activity Total Score' to this Activity.

Activity Total Scores can also be calculated in TASS.web Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment.

View Class Analytics

The ‘View Class Analytics’ option will display in the hamburger menu when Progressive Assessment Analytics are available for the Students and have been generated for the Activity.

The ‘View Class Analytics’ screen displays the Class Results, Average and Ranks.

Tick the ‘Cohort’ checkbox to display cohort based analytics.

Click ‘Print’ to generate the Analytics Report in PDF, Word or Excel format.

Click here for information on Progressive Assessment Analytics.

Progressive Assessment analytics can be generated by HODs and Department Administrators using Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner.

When generated, they become visible to teachers in the Staff Kiosk program Assessment. 

They can also become visible in Parent Lounge or Student Café.

The flags that determine whether Progressive Assessment analytics are visible in Student Café and Parent Lounge are maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Analytics' tab.


A student who has a 'Comparative Reporting' flag set to 'Exclude' in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General' tab, will not be included in analytics calculations.

A student who has a 'Comparative Reporting' flag set to 'Don't Include' in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General' tab, will be included in analytics calculations but these statistics will not be available in Parent Lounge or Student Café.

Related Resources

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