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Exempt Activity Status (Setup)


This program is used to create and maintain Activity statuses that can be used to flag a student who does not have to complete a specific Activity.

An 'Exempt' Activity status will exclude the student from being assessed and exclude the Activity for this student when calculations are performed in webBook program Progressive Assessment > Activity Assessment and Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment.

Use the 'Print' button to generate a list of the 'Exempt' Activity statuses displayed.

Creating a New Exempt Activity Status

When you access the program, the 'Exempt Activity Status (Setup)' screen will display a list of pre-existing 'Exempt' Activity statuses in your system.

Select to edit an existing 'Exempt' Activity status.

Select the 'New' button to display the 'Add Exempt Activity Status' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


A mandatory field that requires you to enter a brief description of the Exempt Activity Status. Up to 25 characters.

An example of an exempt activity status might be 'Not Rated'.

Active Flag

Where this field has been set to 'Yes', the 'Exempt' Activity status will be available to teachers to apply to a student for an Activity in Staff Kiosk program Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen.

Set this field to 'No' to stop this 'Exempt' Activity status being used for Activities.

Select the 'Save' button to record your entry to the database.

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