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ACR - Comments Tab


This tab allows you to create and maintain the comments that will be available to teachers when entering comments for Academic Reports using the webBook 'Comment Bank'.

Comment Categories

The tab will initially display a list of 'Comment Categories'.

'Comment Categories' are required for all 'Comments' entered into the TASS.web 'Comment Bank'.

To modify a comment category simply select the category edit icon, make the necessary modifications then click 'Save'. 

Click the '+ Add Category' button to create a new category.

Each 'Comment Category' requires a unique alphanumeric code up to 4 characters long and a description up to 30 characters long.

Categories cannot be deleted after they have been used, and care should be taken when changing the description, as any comments entered against the category would be affected by the change.

If you have bulk comments to enter, the TASS Professional Services team provide a chargeable service to assist you with data entry. Once you have determined your school's needs, contact TASS Professional Services for a service quote.


Click 'Comments' icon against a 'Comment Category' to view or maintain the comments in the selected category.

'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to edit previously entered 'Comments'.

Comments that have been used in previous reports will not be affected by altering or deleting comments from within this screen.

Click the '+ Add Comment' button to create a new comment.

Fields that require further explanation


This is a mandatory field that requires a unique, 4 character, alphanumeric code as the identifier for each comment.

Comment Category

This field is automatically assigned and is based on the category the comment is being added to.

Comment Text

Enter a comment of up to 2000 characters.

webBook supports 'keyword' substitution. The following 'keywords' may be used for substitution of the student's first name (or preferred) and subject description:




The following keywords may be used for 'Gender Separation':








The keyword substitution values above are defined in Community Plus program Setup Information using the 'Genders Setup' program.

Additional gender values (to those above) may exist and be available if your school has defined them.


Select the 'Print' icon to produce a listing of the 'Comments' and their assigned 'Comment Categories'.

The 'Print' function allows you to choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Sorting options are available on the left side of the screen.

Checkboxes indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Table Borders'.

By default, the report will print comments for all categories. You can print comments for specific categories by selecting on the right side of the screen.

During the entry of student comments, teachers can access these comments via the 'Comment Bank' or the teacher can type the comment code into the comment section wrapped in square braces, e.g. [1234].

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