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ACR - Analytics Tab

This tab allows you to set up the analytics that are visible to students in Student Café and parents in Parent Lounge.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

Access to the TASS.web Analytics Tab program is controlled by Academic Reporting permissions on the '--- Analytics tab' security point.

To enable this function use TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

Progressive Assessment Average

Tick these boxes to indicate if 'Class' and/or 'Cohort' averages for an Activity will be displayed in:

  • Student Café program My Activities > Curricular.

  • Parent Lounge program Student Details > Curricular Activities.

This information can be generated by HODs and Department Administrators in Staff Kiosk > Assessment > Activity Planner.

Progressive Assessment Rank

Tick these boxes to indicate if a student's rank within his/her class and/or cohort for an Activity will be displayed in:

  • Student Café program My Activities > Curricular.

  • Parent Lounge program Student Details > Curricular Activities.

This information can be generated by HODs and Department Administrators in Staff Kiosk > Assessment > Activity Planner.

Academic Analytic Dashboard

Tick this box to display Final Academic Results in:

  • Parent Lounge program Student Details > Academic Analytics.

  • Student Café program My History > Analytics.

The dashboard will include:

  • The current WIP reporting period and the prior reporting period (if final results have been entered in the current reporting period), or

  • The last two finalised reporting periods.

  • Result 'Trend Indicators'.

Academic Comparative Analysis (Box Plot)

Tick this box to display a Box Plot comparing a student's result against the result distribution for his/her Class and/or Cohort in:

  • Parent Lounge program Student Details > Academic Analytics.

  • Student Café program My History > Analytics.

Academic Longitudinal Analysis

Tick this box to display a student's results longitudinally in:

  • Parent Lounge program Student Details > Academic Analytics.

  • Student Café program My History > Analytics.

Statistical data for the Class and/or Cohort can optionally be displayed including:

  • Average.

  • Maximum.

  • Third Quartile.

  • Median.

  • First Quartile.

  • Minimum.

Academic Grade Point Average

Tick this box to include a student's Grade Point Average in the analytics displayed in:

  • Parent Lounge program Student Details > Academic Analytics.

  • Student Café program My History > Analytics.

Only reporting periods where the IA Lock has been set to 'Staff Kiosk, Student Cafe, Parent Lounge Only' will be displayed in Parent Lounge.

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