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MER - Supplementary Tab (SU)

This tab will be used to display and maintain any ancillary medical information that provides a complete representation of the student's health such as testing of hearing, sight and fine motor skills.

To set up new supplementary information, click the 'New' button in the 'Action' column to display the 'Supplementary Information' pop-up screen.

Fields that require detailed information


A mandatory field that requires a unique, 3 character, alphanumeric code as the identifier for each supplementary, e.g. EYE.


Enter a description of up to 20 characters to describe the nominated supplementary, e.g. Eye Test.

Parent Lounge Flag

Use the 'Parent Lounge' tab, here on the Medical Setup program, to allow parents to access (and potentially update) the details that the school has recorded for their child's supplementary information (through Parent Lounge).

Tick this box, if this supplementary information is to be visible to parents.

The 'Edit Selected' and 'Delete Selected' buttons allow you to action existing supplementary information.

TASS.web will not let you delete a supplementary code that is currently in use in a Student Medical Record or has an 'Unprocessed' update from Parent Lounge.

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