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MER - Treatments Tab (SU)


The Medical Setup ‘Treatments’ tab allows you to define the treatments available to help students when they have an illness or attend the medical facility that the school.

This list of treatments then appears as a drop-down list in the ‘Treatments’ field of the student illness record in:

Treatments Grid

Feilds that require further explanation


This column displays the code of the treament.


This column displays the description of the treatment.


From this column, you can edit and delete treatments.

Click the ‘Edit’ link to modify the treatment code or descption.

Click ‘Delete’ to delete the treatment.

Once a treatment has been used in the database, it cannot be deleted.

New Treatment

Click the ‘New’ button to create a new treatment.

Feilds that require further explanation


Enter a unique code for the Treatment, between 1 and 3 characters. The code must have alphanumeric characters only and no special characters or spaces.


Enter a description for the Treatment code, up to 100 characters. This is the text that users will see in the Student Illness programs.

Click ‘Save’ to store the record in the database.

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