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MER - Dispense Cancellation Reason Tab (SU)


The 'Dispense Cancellation Reason' tab in the Medical Setup program allows you to view, add, edit, and delete the list of cancellation reasons that appear in the ‘Cancellation Reasons’ field when a scheduled medication is cancelled in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Dispense Student Medication.

To view the ‘Cancellation Reasons' field, navigate to the menu path mentioned above, locate a scheduled medication record, then click the 'Cancel’ icon in the Action column.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

User access to this tab is controlled by ‘--- Cancellation Reasons tab’.

  • Access to this tab will require ‘View’ permission on this security point.

  • Access to the ‘Add Cancellation Reason’ button will require ‘Add’ permission on this security point.

  • Access to the ‘Edit’ action link will require ‘Edit’ permission on this security point.

  • Access to the ‘Delete’ action link will require ‘Delete’ permission on this security point.

These permissions can be enabled in TASS.web Student Admin > Users > User Permissions or Security Role Permissions

Dispense Cancellation Reason Grid




This column displays the code of the cancellation reason.


This column displays the description of the reason for the cancellation.

Note Required

This column indicates if a note is mandatory when this cancellation reason is selected in the Dispense Student Medication program.

Y = note field is mandatory.

Blank = note field is optional.


The column indicates if the cancellation reason is active and available in the Dispense Student Medication program.

Y = active.

Blank = inactive.

By default, the grid will only display Active reasons.

Click the ‘Include Inactive’ button to see all of the reasons. Click the ‘Active Only' button to return back to the default view.


From this column, you can view, edit, and delete cancellation reasons.

Click the ‘View’ link to view more information about the cancellation reason.

Click the ‘Edit’ link to modify data for the cancellation reason.

Click ‘Delete’ to delete the cancellation reason.

Once a cancellation reason has been used in the database, it cannot be deleted.

New Cancellation Reason

Fields that require further explanation


Enter a unique code for the Cancellation Reason, between 1 and 5 characters. The code must have alphanumeric characters only and no special characters or spaces.


Enter a description for the Cancellation Reason, up to 100 character. This is the text that users will see in the Student Medication Dispensing program.

Note Required

Use this checkbox to indicate if a note is required when this cancellation reason is used in the dispense student medication program.

  • = ‘Note’ field is mandatory for users.
  • = 'Note' field is optional for users.


Use this checkbox to indicate if the cancellation reason is active and available in the Dispense Student Medication program.

  • = Cancellation Reason is active.
  • = Cancellation Reason is inactive.

Inactive Cancellation Reasons do not appear in the Dispense Student Medication program.

Click ‘Save’ to save this cancellation reason to the database.

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